The previous week had worn me out, physically, mentally and emotionally. The whole truck fiasco and the associated expenses. I was in panic mode for 24 hours and on edge for almost an entire week. The previous weekend I was a bit of an a-hole to two of my dearest friends. They went out without inviting me, assuming from a bunch of emails that I was busy. It was not at all their fault and I could not have made it, but it still hurt not to be asked (all me, not them).
I have one very close friend (local) with whom I cannot sync up with schedule-wise. Life circumstances stand in the way. It has become exhausting for me. I am resigned to have no real friends that I can simply call and go out with and do so without extensive travel and planning. Kandi remains a solo act and I am afraid that is all she will be. Been at this for nine years, so this is not a knee jerk reaction. While I do have many, many friends, very few are local to me. Many are virtual. Do not feel sorry for me and I am not complaining, I am just telling you how I feel. Women do that, men swallow their feelings.

June 29, 2022 I got dressed very simply and went to the local mall and walked around. I only intended to be out for an hour or so, but I poked around for three and a half hours. I just had to clear my head. I went from store to store, looking. I tried on a few bras at Victoria’s Secret. OMG, what the right bra can do! But I own, let’s just say quite a few, bras already and I was in a “spend no money” mode.
Then I went into Forever 21 and they had stuff all over the place, as the staff organized things into boxes based on sizes, everything $5 per item. I weeded through the boxes and picked out a few things. Into the fitting rooms. Picked out a few more. Back to the fitting room. Did this a few times. I ended up with three stellar sweater dresses for $15 (Erie outfits?). I found an adorable and too young-for-me little dress, but when the cashier rung it up and it came up $12, back it went! I must have been there for well over an hour. I would have loved to walk a festival or something in it, but you have to stick to your principals to be a stylish bargain shopper as I am.
A little about what I wore. The earrings and necklace I made myself with a few things from a local craft store. The top was a $2 Walmart pickup and uber-comfortable. I went with a headband to add another feminine touch.

It was nice to get out and clear my head.
Doing this still puts a smile on my face!
Click here for a sneak peak at one of my upcoming films, “Calendar”. If you pan all the way down to the last set of photos, you will see yours truly tending her bar for the opening scene of the movie!
5 Responses
Hi Kandi ,
It’s strange when we get the ” No spend days ” we find little treasures ! I was in a charity shop looking for some drinking glasses and spied some black boots , they were Clarks labelled , fitted me perfectly hardly worn the price £2.50 ( just over $3.00 with the current exchange rate) . Same thing happened in another chaity shop , this time looking for a plant holder , couldn’t find one so had a quick look through the racks and spotted a Jaeger fitted jacket in a very soft pink , very nice fit , priced at £10.00 .
I can sympathise with the friend situation , I can’t totally blame covid but so much just came to a standstill and sadly not all is back to normal , so many (real ) friends have slipped away . My old painting group hasn’t fully recovered and some haven’t returned . I’ve almost totally dropped out of trans social meetings again some stopped and haven’t restarted . Maybe the one difference is I live alone and as an outgoing person I need “people ” contact so I have new friends in a different painting group and also met some lovely people in the National Trust group so I’m gradually forming new friendships .
I’ve visited the US a couple of times , Brits probably don’t realise the size of your country , keeping in touch doesn’t mean ” just down the road ” it usually means hundreds of miles away for you .
The day I read you story of the truck problems , I’d also had a bad day but not as bad as yours . I’m having a new patio door fitted , I’ve got a good deal providing they can put an ad board up and use pictures of the completed work The problem is my paintwork is not good so I decided to paint the facia and soffit boards , the prep work is tedious so it was good to get some paint on . I’d just started when I managed to push my tin of paint off the step ladder all over my patio I laid only last year . Mopping up oil based paint wasn’t easy and after two hours with my pressure washer the patio looks OK again , I could have cried !
You both suffered really bad days. The charity shop finds don’t make up for it completely, but they do add a little sunshine, do they not?
I count myself as one of Kandi’s distant friends. A thousand miles doesn’t make “dropping in for a girl’s night out easy!
But you are a friend all the same!
Thanks for sharing Teresa!! We all have so many thing sin common in our lives, experienced from a different lens.
Super cute outfit, love it.
As far as being solo, well I’m there girl and totally get it.
I do have a local t girl I’ve done a thing or two with but it’s rare as she doesn’t just live down the street.
Lately all I really do to get out is shop for my groceries and that’s the extent but I do still work fluid do there is that
Hugs to you Rachael