March 28, 2023 was another eventful day! My third CIFF shift and then some fun afterward.
I started about 10:00 and left around 4:30. I had to set up two stations and figure out the magic of Bluetooth and Apple iPads.
As is always the case, I had interesting conversations and saw people who knew me, some of which I actually remembered!
When my shift finished, I headed over to Studio W117. I went to meet my friend LynneLee for dinner. Unexpectedly, I was able to see the exhibit This is Trans: A Photography Journey of Awareness and Love. I was blown away by the entire exhibit, but also honored that my photo hung on that wall. A handful of employees said hello and complemented me on that picture. Now there are at least a hundred pictures, so for anyone to even remember mine…….wow!

I also made an amazing business connection that I think will bear real fruit and I capped the day off with a simply delightful dinner with LynneLee. I have been on the hamster wheel for quite a few days in a row, but cannot pass up the opportunities to make these connections, both personal (most of them) and business-wise.

Thanks LynneLee!

March 29 2023 was my only second shift. I ran a few errands, in and out of a number of places. Then I returned to Republic for Happy Hour and my first time since I toasted all of you in a recent post. As if she we waiting for me, I walk in and right into a hug from Lizzie, the manager.
My shift was great. There was much more traffic during the evening than in the mornings. I talked with so many nice people. Noting specific, just really cool! Here is the outfit of the day….

8 Responses
It is magical and reaffirming to read your joyous posts and see your exceptional photos.
Love the yellow sweater and skirt combo
So very feminine and stylish
Thanks Rach! That was one of the outfits in that long run of outfits I wasn’t sure about.
That’s our Kandi, being so wonderfully visible, both in person and in the exhibit. Love the jacket from day 3 and the cute skirt from day 4.
I aim to please!! Thanks T!!
Two of my favorite ladies, Kandi & LynneLee!