I may never take a better bunch of headshot selfies! This fills me with incredible pride!
I worked the opening shift on the closing day for CIFF. Having gone from Keystone to CIFF made for an amazing two weeks of nothing but love, friendship and complete acceptance. April 1, 2023, the launch of the new web site and CIFF. A very good day!
I am absolutely head-over-heels in love with this beautiful dress from Urban Outfitters! I felt so pretty all day long.

I added a sweater and headband before walking out the door on a very windy Saturday.

There were numerous conversations with fellow staff members, most that simply humbled me. And I was in hug overload this day.

There were two special highlights.

After my shift, I went to my favorite restaurant and saw my friend Ivonne already there. Ivonne is originally from Cuba and is the curator for this and many other festivals of LGBT films. She invited me to join her and we had an amazing conversation! I never had a chance to really talk in-depth about someone making the difficult decision to leave their home country, with no ability to return. Plus my friends Lizzie and Catlyn from the day before I headed to Keystone stopped by for their hugs!
Finally, I viewed “Casa Suzanna“, one amazing film. I was deeply moved and I related to just about every second of the film. Find it, see it, feel it! I was able to watch two trans-related films to close the show. Casa Suzanna and a foreign film with subtitles. These were the only two films I was able to watch and in doing so, I missed the staff photo and most of the closing ceremonies. That was okay, I was running on fumes at the point in time anyway.

9 Responses
Kandi, the dress is definitely awesome but the crowning touch for me is the daisy necklace. The headshots are beautiful, you are so naturally feminine.
Oh, that necklace was a no-brainer once I purchased the dress!! Thanks so much Tina.
Love that dress it’s absolutely you my friend
And I must say I’m jealous in that you look so beautiful in that longer wig
My face just doesn’t do that well with such a beautiful head piece
I do so many different wig…I mean hairstyles. Your face is beautiful all by itself! You are beautiful all by yourself!
Aww, thank you my sweet friend
Hi Kandi, I must say you’re like the Energizer Bunny.I honestly don’t think I could keep up with you, or if I managed I’d be exhausted 😊.
And, girl, you look gorgeous in that dress. It shows off your girls nicely. Hope you have a great day my friend.
Trish ❤️
Thank you Trish! Not many can keep up with me, I am a marathoner, you know….
Yes, I heard about your marathons and suitably impressed. Believe it or not I don’t like running but I’ll chase a soccer ball around the field all day long 😏, go figure.
As the old saying goes “to each her own!”.