Down The Rabbit Hole

This post is definitely a PG-13 post...

I recently talked about going down rabbit holes. One of my rabbit holes is Amazon. There is simply nowhere else that you can find absolutely everything. As such, I ended up with a high-waisted thong.

Then I recently went to a local mall and scored the absolute perfect compliment to that thong, a great top! Labor day weekend, a free day, warm temps and a bikini……well you can see where this goes.

Yes, these photos are a bit more of me than you have seen before, so consider yourself warned.

This was also the debut of one of my two new wigs. This one is essentially the same as the one I have been wearing recently, except a lighter color. Loved it!

I like to go to the beach at least a couple of times a year, this being my second and most likely final time this year. I also have zero fear. I generally wear a bikini, but I also make sure I don’t embarrass myself. I dropped a few pounds over the course of the week and ran five miles this morning. I wore my sauna belt and broke a good sweat. I also did not eat or drink anything so as not to have too much of a belly. I think I pulled it off (I made up for it later that day).

I felt the need to get a beach ball, so before I got ready I ran out to get one. Content, baby!

The skirt and cover up are how I went out the door. I ran a few errands along the way and figured my thong would not be welcome at the grocery store. You can see below, I actually do go out in public, in front of real people.

When I got to the beach, I set up as usual in the shade. I sat on my beach chair, plugged a podcast into my ear phones, shut my eyes and chilled. People and activity all around me, some very close. The Earth did not open up and swallow me. I was just another beachcomber.

I was there only a bit over an hour, but the experience was nice. I never feel self-conscious in these circumstances.


12 Responses

  1. You have more confidence than I can muster. I have worn a one-piece to the beach, but even with more coverage I felt a bit awkward.

  2. Kandi,
    Lovely colour choice of wig , it gives a softer more balanced look with your makeup , you know blonds have more fun !!

    I’m not sure I could live with a thong , I tried them BUT ……! Next year I’m hoping I’ll be on the beach but not quite so revealing , you’re a brave girl .

  3. You are amazing to get out and be the real you that way
    The closest I’ve ever done anything close was I sat in a hot tub on a cruise ship but my outfit was a skirted bottom and full top
    Would love to know how you make the girls look so real
    Your beautiful so just keep being you

    1. Rach,

      My “girls” are simply the fact that the majority of men my age do have some breasts or a looseness in their pecs. Then it’s just the simple magic you can read about all over the web. It’s all an illusion, sort of….


      1. Kandi, in that case I definitely take after you. What am I going to do next? It almost scares me, lol! I probably never would have went out in public dressed up if it weren’t for you but I’m so glad I overcame my fears and did it! It has been so much fun.

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