Out and About

Stories about our adventures when out of the house, interacting with the great wide world.

CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Working For The Weekend

More joy...
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Easter Sun-Dee, Part Two

Now, where were we?
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Like a Kid in a Kandi Store

As I become more frequent, I become less interesting.
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Easter Sun-Dee, Part One

Way too cute not to lead this Sun-Dee with this pic!
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Triple Stack

A bunch of stuff from a few days.
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Satur-Dee Night Fever – The Dramatic Conclusion!

The perfect dissertation on what Kandi's Land is all about!
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

A Couple of Days in March

Good couple of days...
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Satur-Dee Night Fever – Part 2

What could Dee be up to now? Let's find out!!
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Satur-Dee Night Fever – Part 1

The first of a three part look back at a Dee adventure!!
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Bullets, Brothers and Blood
