
Simple reflections on what it is like to be who we are and deal with day-to-day occurrences, frustration and triumphs.

CrossdresserKandiKandi's Favorites

An Open Letter to Our Wives

This essay is my proudest accomplishment in my life, literally, outside of anything associated with my family.
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Lisa’s “Life”

Lisa gives is her spin on a recent post of mine.
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land


One of our favorite posts, re-presented here today. Happy New Year all!
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

More To The Story

See that poster: there is a great deal of truth to it, I know...
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Opening Up

I have grown to trust and love my readers. So now I feel comfortable opening up a bit more about myself.
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Current Climate

A Kandi's Land Essay
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Testosterone: Love it, Leave it or Tolerate it?

Lisa shares with us her experiences.
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Day Night Double Header: Game One

More great DeeIY advice!
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

“I’m Brendan’s Mom”

Dee introduces a new feature!
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

Herding Cats

Fun? Absolutely! But it continues to be frustrating herding the cats.