This is not a long story. I picked up this bikini top recently at a thrift and could not wait to get seen in public while wearing it! On a steamy 90+ degree July 5, 2021 day, I got out in it. I walked proudly about the half mile from my car to my shaded spot on the beach. People all over the place. No one’s head spun around as I walked by. I sat among a few groups of people, again, no special notice. Really, that’s it but I did take a whole bunch of pictures!! It was freakin’ hot…
2024 update: I cherish these memories, I desperately miss this type of freedom. Freedom in terms of available time, I have (given circumstance and personal attitude) all the freedoms I need to do things like this. Life and responsibilities have put a crimp on Kandi fun. Bear with the reruns…
Random Thoughts (from the original post): Recently my wife and I attended the wedding reception for our great friends’ son and daughter-in-law. This was in Charleston, SC. We were there for about two days. When we arrived we all went shopping and stopped mostly where the woman wanted to browse. For me, being one of the two husbands there, I fell into that bored feeling of shopping with one’s wife. I eyed a few things (everything was WAY out of my price range even if I were shopping for myself), but played along schlepping from store to store. The hardest part for me was admiring all the woman out and about, in their sundresses, many on vacation. I felt like I had been transported to Lilly Pultizer-land, as those colors were predominant.
We had a nice getaway and it was great to spend the time with friends, but I will admit, I wanted to be one of the women in her sundress, strolling proudly down the street, sipping a cocktail on a patio or just shopping.
16 Responses
Hello Kandi,
A very trim craft. You seem to have nice sized breasts and are not overly tall. I am very envious of you.
Being over 6 ft. and very thin I am afraid there is no way I could get away without being clocked.
I have only recently come across your site and it is giving me great pleasure.
Brenda X
Well, first off Brenda, welcome to the Kandi’s Land family!
Secondly, just because I move about fairly easily, do think for a moment I am not “clocked”. I fool no one who takes the time to give me a good look. The key is to not draw the extra attention that creates that extra look. I am very good at that because I follow my rules: Be smart, appropriate, confident and visible!
Thank you for being you, my dear!
Heads should have “spun around” when you walked by; you look fabulous in the bikini!
Oh, how I wish that were true! Thanks my friend!!
You look great Kandi, I know I could never do a two piece like that maybe a 1 but my belly is well just not great.
Oh yes I get the torture of being with the ladies wanting to just be one of the girls shopping pretty and soaking it all in. For those of us who are who we are when we must be in guy mode it can be difficult indeed
Believe me, there are things you cannot see holding the belly in!
to Brenda–I’m over 6 ft and in the last 2 weeks I have encountered 3 different young women taller than me so forget the height stuff
Amen sister!
Kandi, you look wonderful as always! There’s no way I could ever pull off a bikini top like that, not even if I was back in high school and in shape for the swim team (a team on which I was a valued member). Broad shoulders and no breasts are tough enough to work with wearing most clothes, never mind a bikini.
The longing to just be like the women we see (or are with) is ever-present, whether it’s while shopping or at a dressy event. I’m steeling myself for a fall wedding for a close friend.
Weddings are the toughest! Thank you T for the sweet comments!!
Hi Kandi, thank you for sharing. I agree with others; I could never pull off a bikini. One of your cardinal rules goes out the window – be confident – very quickly when so scantily clothed. But I am happy for you. I know my boundaries and at this time, I am thankful I can operate within those limits.
Oh yes, the envy of women is so very real for me. And it is not just when our shopping or at an event where they are dressed to the nines. Ladies who appreciate their own femineity; who dress and carry themselves accordingly are my envy, even as they are looking a bit hassled carrying one child on their hip and having another in tow. Or perhaps when they are out on a walk pushing a stroller. My inner woman longs for the privilege of motherhood.
I appreciate very much your sharing of yourself here, it brings me great pride to know we are being of help to our sisters. It makes all of this seem worthy or better said, that it is for a reason. You always have a home here!
PS I could never pull that bikini off right now!
Very brave !! I’m not sure if I could pull off the bikini top but I certainly couldn’t the lower half , I’m not !00% comfortable with my tucking , I’d need a wrap to be confident .
I’m sure many of us recall those days of tagging along shopping , pretending to be bored but all the time thinking , ” If ONLY !! ”
I haven’t attended a wedding as Teresa but recently I’ve been to a couple of funerals , as I mentioned at the time they weren’t on my bucket list but it was good to support others in their hour of need .
Obviously I can’t answer which is the hardest to attend , weddings are full of fun so people are out to enjoy themselves , funerals are about closer contact , possibly more hugs and kisses than a wedding . At both I only knew the friend I was supporting so the majority were total strangers , in those circumstances your words of wisdom are so true . Be confident , dress appropriately , just be you .
Kandi now I know why I call you my energizer bunny. Because you really are a bunny but a beach bunny. And you definitely have the beach body to go along with it 😘
Trish 🩷
Kandi, first off you looked fantastic especially with that million dollar smile! I thoroughly enjoy reading the reruns. Many of them were posted before my time on the site and I don’t remember ever reading them before. It’s always a great reminder and informative to newer viewers especially.
I have watched your rules of the road a number of times and always seem to get more out of it or maybe sharpen my memory on the do’s and don’t. I’ll also never forget the time you have taken to welcome me with open arms and the amount of motherly wisdom and advice you personally shared with me as a newcomer.