This is a reimagination of the very first post on this version of Kandi’s Land, April 1, 2021.
Much has changed here. We miss old friends that have drifted away. We welcome the real, actual sense of community we have fostered here. We have heard new voices, we have looked at all of this from so many different perspectives. And there is still much to consider. Gwen and Dee have been the cornerstones upon which this place was built. Our reach is literally worldwide. New Zealand, the UK, Austria, Australia, Canada, Guatemala, even Pittsburgh (Cleveland humor there). I have met many, many of you. Many of you took the time to come and visit me and I hope I was a gracious hostess.
This is still a new day dawning. Every day I open my eyes, drag my butt out of bed and ask God to get me through another day. Make a difference. Make my wife’s life just a little easier. Many fortunate circumstance have coalesced to create a dream job scenario for me, but I still have so much to learn, still have to make the effort, still need some breaks and things to fall my way.
I am slowly streamlining the blog. Moving out older pages. Bringing back some amazing past posts, past adventures. I want this to be a place where that new girl can sit and research, read and understand that she is not alone. I want to celebrate the absolute joy of femininity. We honor women, we do not mock them.
The balance of this post is verbatim from Day One, Kandi’s Land 2.0.
Please bear with us! This is by no means a finished product. There are still things going on behind the scenes to get the site to function smoothly and to allow us to build something beyond just a daily blog. I need your support! I need eyeballs, so tell a girlfriend, sign up for the daily e-mails (and be patient with initially receiving them), click here every day if possible, make us a daily destination. Your feedback is welcome and encouraged!
And now, let’s see what’s happening at the Grand Opening!
Oh, wait a minute…… It seems like our fearless leader is simply not ready yet! Let’s see what the hold up could be…..

She’s finishing her nail polish…. She is such a girl!

Now she’s waiting for them to dry…….

She certainly doesn’t seem to be in any hurry!

I think she knows we’re checking on her….

I think she has to pull a few more things together, so we’ll get back to that Grand Opening in the near future.
Help grow the community, comment, contribute, share us with your friends. Ladies, thank you all!
15 Responses
My Dear Kandi,
Not sure I have perfected anything! 😊
I just exchanged some emails with Amanda (Mandy to you) about the tremendous impact you and KL have on us and I’m sure on the whole CD/TG world. You save lives.
Thank you dear, wonderful, beautiful Kandi. This site is life changing and heartwarming.
This site and the marathon I just ran, for me, are one in the same. Put one foot in front of the other, head down, day to day (or mile to mile) and over time, you have accomplished something great. I am very happy with our evolution and that we found our niche in the world. I am simply the stage manager here. Thanks my dear, dear friend!
You have been and are a fantastic friend and support to me and many of us that follow your blog. Thank you for making all of us feel that we can show our true identity! 😘
Thanks BFF!
Miss you….. ❤️
Kandi: Thanks for giving us a place to share, learn, empathize and even cry. Your dedication means a lot to so many people.
You will read tomorrow that the whole crying thing hit me today…. Thanks Donna, I am blessed with all of these friendships.
Again you have mastered another Feminine skill one I fail at every time I try. I am thankful that my Gal friend KRISTI is a true artist at NAIL Work, of course best displayed on the Finger Nails. You prompted me to go back into my own archives when I was contributing FASHION articles to TAZY of yore. Reminders of my beginnings. The total approximated 180, plus equal number when Barbara Jean assumed responsibility for publishing the monthly ‘Pretty Girl Magazine”. Unfortunately and sadly Barbara has had to curtail her efforts due to serious medical challenges (So sorry). Enough looking back. The ROAD ahead can still yield some wonderful adventures, new friends, and fulfilling memories. Thank You for all you have done and continue to accomplish.
Marie Anne
Thank you sweetheart! You will read here tomorrow, NEVER take a single day for granted. Cherish them.
Kandi, I am new to the site, but the girls here have already made a positive impact on my life. There support, insight and advice have given me a new prospective on opening communication with my wife. I can also see the joy you feel in being a woman, and what a beautiful person you are. I want to thank you and all the wonderful girls on this site that have made me feel so welcome.
This place is nothing without ladies of such grace and class as you! We are a true community!
This to me is the best trans/crossdressing site on the internet
Now I’ve not looked at them all but you have been so kind and accepting and truly so little drama here, just us girls learning, loving and being who we are as you show us how it can be done.
I’m so happy to be a part of this site and thank you for helping me be a better me
You are why I do what I do here. It gives me purpose and hopefully, the payoff will be grand (when I meet my Maker).
Love you Rach!
You’ve made me feel guilty , must really do my toe nails can’t put it off any longer now we’ve finally put boots and winter tights away for the summer .
You make it look easy but I have to sit on the floor with my back well supported so I can reach my toes , I eventually found small rolls of cardboard wedged between my toes gave me the separation without one toe smudging the other . The results are worth it after I’ve straightened my back up !!