Not much I can say to introduce this!

I went on a Pub Crawl last night in Madrid.  I suppose WENT is more like stumbled upon which would be more accurate.

I was looking for a place to hang out and was striking out. I decided to stop at a place called X bar and had a glass of wine.  Kinda slow but it was great to take a load off my feet. I left and was heading back to my room when I passed a bar called CATS BAR.  

WTF WOW That’s interesting.  It’s a hostel.  Who knew? The receptionist said, “There is a flamenco show in a few minutes, why don’t you stay?”. I did and it was beautiful.  

I then had a glass of wine and discovered there was music pumping up from the basement and person after person were going downstairs.

What the hey. Let’s see what it is.  Trying not to fall going down the stairs, I was remined how narrow so much of Europe is.  The “CAT POWER CLUB” is more like a tunnel, laced with brick walls with a bar at one end.

After about 15 minutes the BEER PONG table came out and I witness my first beer pong game with four young studs feeling their masculinity.

That’s when I first heard of the Pub Crawl. I had no idea what that was but it sounded fun so I paid 20 euros and I was in.  Lucky me.

I met many wonderful people. We started at CATS BAR and went to 3 or 4 others.  I can’t remember how many.  I got a free shot at each. Maybe that’s why.

But anyway, I love dancing, music and the energy.  I’m somewhat of a curiosity I suppose but no worries. Gwen’s a big girl and can handle it.

A handsome guy came up to me and asked if he could kiss me because his table of other guys dared him.  He explained he was getting married in a week.  It hadn’t been the first time a dare was made similar to that. I guess some may have been passed or offended.  I just rolled with it, turned to the entire table of guys and gave them the finger. Then laughed, grabbed him and gave him a great chest bump and kissed him. As Forest Gump would say, “That’s all I can say about that.”

The same guy came up to me at another bar (Pub Crawl) and gave me a hug and said, in broken English, “I respect you for standing up for who you are”. He went on to say, “Some of my friends still hold on to outdated values. I lost part of my leg last year (points to his leg which was a steel prosthetic), and I have had similar challenges rediscovering myself.”

Wow.  It goes to show you to not prejudge.

I also met two other girls who befriended me and we hung out all night.  Add two guys from Netherlands and then a girl I met waiting in line who loved my story. She was from England. Oh and the two next her were two beauties from Mexico.

I met a table of five Philippine girls. They were so pretty with smiles from ear to ear.

They were boob level height and fascinated with them.  Being that they are on the larger side, they asked if they could touch them.  “Uhhh sure”.  It’s funny how cautious other girls act when touching another girls boobs.  They don’t know what to expect.  Maybe it’s that I’m Trans and they don’t know how they’d feel.  “OMG, they’re so soft”, and she immediately rested her head on them.  “I think I can sleep here.”

Fast forward, a few minutes later we were all dancing to a fun song.  I jumped to the music and lets just say my bra wasnt tight enough and they slipped out from under the bra!  Sweat will do that to a girl.

I frantically reached under my top and put them back while laughing uncontrollably.  If you know me, I love to laugh, even at myself.  Laughter keeps you young.

I’ll not mention names of who I met for privacy reasons or maybe it’s because I could barely hear their names through the music or maybe it’s the blurring effect of tequila shots.

Well, fast forward to 4 am and my feet were singing.  I walked back to my place.  It was interesting walking through town with silence and practically no one around.  I suppose I should have been nervous walking like that but no time to worry.  

I used my MAPS on my phone. Great, only 5 minutes but after 5 minutes it discovered it was in car mode not walking mode.  Ugh…. feet don’t fail me meow.  Wow, CAT POWER. I love it.

Surely a night I’ll remember.

Gwen Patrone


4 Responses

  1. I guess it raises the question , ” Does acceptance come with drink ? ” I admit your post reminded me of a great Xmas party , it was a mix of trans and non trans party goers . Many of the guys were propping up the bar leaving their wives and girlfriends free to dance their hearts out ( which I love to do ) . towards the end of the evening some of the guys drifted back to the dance floor but were mostly too far gone to put two steps together withoput falling over . I danced with a lovely blond girl for most of the evening and did quite a lot of girl talk . As last orders were called her husband ( with full beard ) decided he was going to give every girl a Xmas kiss , it was the first time I’d had that feeling of a guy kissing me with a full beard on my cheeks , of course this was much to the amusement of his wife and other GGs as they had to point out to him some of us were guys !! So he said what the hell ! and did the rounds again .

    Looking back it w2as probably one of the best Xmas parties I’d been to as it was the first time I’d witnessed how much fun trans and non trans people can have .

    1. The beard does feel interesting for the first time.
      Your closing sentence was so good and true. If we’d just relax and see people as people, we’d be able to enjoy life so much more.

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