What We Do! How We Look! How We Feel!

Editorial comment: I love all the Contributors we have now!!

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Maya Angelou

A recent comment on one of my Flickr photo posts, generated a comment from my dear online Friend, Nikala Fox. In part, she wrote, “It’s amazing to feel sexy and especially to receive a compliment, as it’s something that rarely happens when we are dressed as a male.” Many of us who post photos of ourselves on Flickr seem to get endless compliments, most as basic as “You are beautiful!” or “You are a gorgeous lady.” That can sometimes feel almost as good as just being dressed in feminine attire. For me it enhances those feelings.

She went on to write, “Sexy male clothes aren’t a thing.” She is right. A female-to-male friend of mine, laments that while I can dress as a woman and get much attention, the opposite is not usually true. Women wearing male style clothing is so common, that there is little they can do to get noticed or draw a compliment. And therefore, the don’t feel the reinforcement of masculinity.

Now I realize why I decided to start wearing dramatically colorful male clothing early in December. While planning my trip to Nashville for the professional style session, makeover, and photo session, for the first time the style of what I wore became more important. Since then, I am wearing bright shirts, many with bold, intricate patterns. I am wearing colorful socks. My shoes range from bright blue or mustard yellow to green or hot pink. Like stylish, thoughtful women do, I am coordinating colors from head to toe.

And the result: I am getting many compliments as I am out and about. A few of my male friends offer feedback such as, “Who dresses you dude?” That makes me smile because I want to say, it’s my secret friend Crystal. And the women who frequently shower unsolicited praise on me about my colorful ensembles are more gushing and effervescent. “Wow! I love your colors. You look great!”

How does wearing women’s clothing make me feel? Fantastic.

How does wearing colorful men’s clothing and getting rave reviews from women make me feel? Fantastic.

It is no wonder women have a wider range of colorful colors and designs on their apparel racks and in their closets! They like getting noticed

Try it! Discover the one way you can dress masculine and feel feminine in the current world most of us inhabit.

Wearing women’s clothing or men’s clothing is what we do! It is a version of what we say! The important realization is how the clothing and/or the compliments make us FEEL!

PS – Wearing a smile and sharing it with others is the most essential and simple feminine accessory you can wear…along with a huge helping of self-confidence.

Crystal Joens

April 13, 2023

Ever since Crystal introduced herself to me, one of the all-time greatest songs has been playing in my head, over and over again.

Me and Mrs. Jones

And that’s gold, Jerry, gold!


6 Responses

  1. Hi Crystal,
    I started buying and wearing women’s outer garments over a decade ago. Have bought very few men’s garments since. It started when I couldn’t find what I was looking for in the men’s department but saw it in the women’s section while leaving the store. Since then, my closet has transitioned. I have colors like hunter green, purple, camel, burnt orange, fuchsia, lavender, … and different textures.
    I coordinate my colors now. My shoes are colorful as well, they are mostly 4 + inch heels. I love to channel my “inner Elvis” by wearing my blue suede stilettoes, boots or booties.
    I purchased a leopard sherpa on a whim. That sherpa generates many compliments every time I wear it. Both men and women, ask where they can get it. But it sold out in a month.
    Now to answer your questions:
    How does wearing women’s clothing make me feel? Fantastic as well.

    How does wearing colorful men’s clothing and getting rave reviews from women make me feel? Don’t know, I wear very few men’s clothing, insufficent data.

    1. Cali,
      You are quite fortunate to be able to wear predominantly women’s clothing.
      Thank you for your thoughtful comments.

  2. I have noticed a bit more boldness in men’s clothing these days but I don’t look often at them
    Usually I don’t care for the cut of the shirt and of course shorts just are not cute enough for me
    I’m quite drab when in male mode and it’s not much fun lol
    Great post

    1. Agree, Rachel! Although now that I am into bright colors, I DO notice when a man is wearing similar brilliance.
      You are right! Nothing is as well fitting as femme gear!

  3. Crystal,
    Maybe I can answer this from a full time perspective .
    How do the clothes make me feel ? I received some heated comments from a forum stating , ” It’s not about the clothes !” OK your inner feelings don’t change with what you wear but clothes do have a huge impact on us and the World around us . In my situation I don’t go looking for comments anymore , being accepted as female is so important because it’s how I live my life now . Do I love clothes and dressing up ? Of course I do but again in my situation I have to think things through carefully , dressing appropriately for the circumstances . The one comment I do get faily regularly is I dress ” stylish ” , that doesn’t mean in a sexual way but to other people I have given my appearance some thought bearing in mind my age and shape and dressed accordingly .

    To me the basic criteria is I don’t look like a man in a dress , some make it more obvious by overdressing . I found it quite a learning curve when I went full time and despite having a full wardrobe I obviously had some gaps because I hadn’t considered everyday before .

    The public has a strange acceptance over a smartly or colourfully dressed woman as compared with a man , very rarely are sexual connections made with a smartly dressed woman but men often have to contend with those thoughts .

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