Travelogue: Lake Erie Gala 2023 – Day One (For Me)

Great time, great friends!

Thursday, November 16, 2023 off to Erie! I am growing, learning, adapting, evolving. The packing process was not nearly as protracted and it did not look like I was moving out of the house. Still embarrassingly too much, but so much better.

A very simple travel outfit. There won’t be too many specific stories to tell from this trip. Alcohol and the inability to find the time to write while things were still on my mind all factoring into this.

What I can say is that I have a circle of friends that truly are amazing. The love and common bonds are strong and life affirming. I had the great fortune to room with Sherry which both makes the experience better and her meth money helps offset the expenses a bit…. (it’s not meth money, but she is old school, carrying around these green rectangular piece of paper with old people’s pictures on them, so I call it her meth money).

Now, my outfit for the evening was perfection squared! The picture in the middle looks like my eight grade class photo.

Just seeing ladies I only see on an annual basis and feeling like you just saw them is something rare in life.

One of my favorite things to do is get together for dinner with a few close friends and then expanding the circle, adding new friends along the way. I have stopped planning any type of large gathering, but like allowing a small gathering to grow at the spur of the moment.

We did that on Thursday and as you can see above, it was a great time! The evening continued on at the hotel bar and didn’t end until I laid my exhausted head on the pillow (okay, passed out) at 2:00AM. I am fairly certainly I was gleefully happy for a good 8-9 hours, laughing, telling stories, making and renewing friendships.

More soon…


8 Responses

  1. Kandi,
    It would be lovely to be one of those celebs who has averything done for them , your hotel room laid out without you having to lift a finger .
    How long before the event do you start thinking and planning what exactly are the ” must haves ” and what really turns out to be just extra baggage ? I usually buy new makeup as I know I haven’t packed half empty items , I try to rationalise my shoes , one pair serving more than one outfit , they usually get filled with spare knickers and the like to save space . I always pack a spare wig as any accidents can be dealt with . The biggest problem I’ve found is how bad hotel lighting is , soft lights in the bedroom and harsh, overhead ones in the bathroom aren’t the best for applying makeup , my illuminated mirror may be a little bulky but it’s turned out to be a ” must have “.
    Depending on the event it’s a matter of deciding if you want to wear something different everyday or if you can get away with ” mix and match ” , I found it just as nice being complimented on mixing and matching than appearing with something different . I realise I’m talking about a different kind of event , meeting transgender friends is obviously different to going on holiday with a National Trust group , I’ve done both and each carries it’s own pressures . The difference being I’m seen totally as a woman with my NT group whereas everyone knows the situation in transgender events . Sorry back to that ” passing ” debate again !

    1. I used to spend a great deal of time preparing my outfits. But I have done it enough that I know what I am doing as I have stopped worrying about every little detail. It took me about an hour to prep everything and a half hour to actually physically pack.

  2. Oh my I really love the outfit very cute and fun with the plaid skirt
    And being with the other girls I’m sure was very pleasant indeed

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