By Jocelyn Johnson
I had the chance to dress for an hour recently, just around the house (I usually get out into town). House bound (pandemic imposed) is definitely not my preference, but sometimes you have to take what you can get.
When I was taking off my nylon stockings the right one developed a run from toe to thigh. A new pair will have to be purchased. Oh well, it happens. I then, quite happily, thought that this same situation has been occurring with woman all over the world for a hundred years. I can relate to the billions of woman who have experienced a run in their stockings/hose. I am part of that group, and loving it.
I then started thinking of all the other little things I do that really make me happy. I am sure you have a list of what little things you do that make you happy.
My little things I enjoy doing as a woman are:
- shaving my legs and then rubbing on lotion;
- plucking my eye brows;
- sitting to pee;
- putting on blush after choosing the best colour;
- having someone take a second look and smiling back at them;
- brushing my hair;
- carrying a purse, and;
- getting a run in my stockings.
I surprise myself when I do these seemingly small things, of how feminine each one makes me feel. Ah, the joys of expressing female.
Do you have an example of a little thing that makes you feel special?
Now allow me to throw out an idea. It will only happen if I get interest from more than a few. Send me that one picture that you feel most represents “you”. It could be you all glammed up. It could be a candid photo taken by someone else that just feels so you. Many of you have my direct email address. If you do not, reach out through the “Contact” page and I will get in touch with you. If I get enough photos, I will run a post titled “The Ladies of Kandi’s Land”. We are a true community! That means SO much to me on many levels. As I navigate the waters of LGBTdom, a community it is not. It is a fractured collections of folks that are not traditionally mainstream, thrown together into this basket that really doesn’t work anymore. But here, we love. Here, we support. Here, we do not judge. Here, we are sisters, however you define yourself as a sister.
22 Responses
Yes there are things that I like and just make me feel better about my girl side
Shaving my legs to make them silky smooth and also looking at my pretty painted toes especially when I’m out wearing my summer sandals
Yes, painted toes in sandals sounds great.
Thanks for your thoughts.
It is the little things, isn’t it? But, I must admit as an aging person, I have to sit to pee so I can use toilet paper to address the aging pipe that leaks!
Unfortunately I know exactly what you mean.
But I have always felt more natural sitting anyway.
Jocelyn, a nice post and definitely worthy of a rerun for those of us who missed it the first time.
What makes me feel special? In practical terms, slipping my feet into a pair of heels. Nylons make it effortless and the increase in height is a potent reminder that ‘she’ has arrived! Other things like long hair, bras & earrings (when I don’t lose one of them) that give a constant reminder of their presence do a pretty good job too.
In a philosphical sense, though, it’s the mirror. I’m never going to win any beauty contests but to be able to look in the mirror and not only love what I see but also feel that everything in the world is just right is a feeling like no other.
p.s. As this is ‘Kandi’s Land’, I should probably add being called ‘Mandy’ by Kandi but don’t tell her in case she makes a habit of it!!!
Ah yes, the shoes.
For me, the last thing I do is put on shoes (since I’m naturally 5’ 16” I choose not to wear stilettos) and have a good look in the mirror. My big smile tells me I am ready to go into the world.
Hey, I think you would do pretty good in a beauty contest.
Thank you for the comments and support.
Always Amanda to me, never Mandy.
Ah the little things.
Here a few of mine.
Longer fingernails with (gel) color 24/7.
Painted toenails (also 24/7).
Waxing packages: brows, legs, brazians.
Heels almost always in public (and athome)
90% of what I wear started in the women’s department.
Occassional mascara.
You do what you need to do.
What a great list. I love painted nails.
I’m not so sure about the waxing. I prefer shaving.
Beauty can be painful. I have been waxing my brows for 12 years after getting a FREE brow waxing from Macy’s. I now get them (and all waxing) at European Wax Center. It’s a 10 minute proceedure inculding plucking the few hairs that remain. If I want, they will “feminize” my brows further with makeup.
I have been getting my legs waxed for 10 years, because I need to tape them and I hate shaving and the resulting stuble. Because of my age (senior) I have very few hairs remaining. And those that remain are very light in color. The women that wax my legs are jealous. Waxing ‘hurts’ a bit at first but it nothing now. It now just 4 times a year to have hair free
Brazians are another thing. I have only had 5. The skin in this area is very sensitive!!! But each time it is easier. I get about 3 of these a year. I want to look good in my bikini – don’t you?
My monthly mani-pedi spa day is a joy, 2 1/2 to 3 hours of pampering. Yes it cost money, but I have ‘nails to envy’ and (mostly) women tell me so everyday.
The next thing I plan to do is a ‘Kandi’ and lazer off my facial hair.
I too am a senior, so my body and leg hair is thin (if any) and grey. Shaving is easy and clean.
I do pluck my own eyebrows. No problem there.
But Brazians, not going to happen. I know you would look great in a bikini. I would look like two rubber bands around a pumpkin.
I love your determination.
Waking up in the morning and feeling my breast forms press against my chest is always a special feeling.
Thank you for your comment.
That’s something I never thought of. Good for you.
I also enjoy this, I like to sleep in a ‘add-2-cups’ VS bra or corset, too.
Good morning my dear friend,
Ever since I was a teenager there’s two things that make make me feel oh so feminine. The first is pulling shear stockings up my freshly shaved legs. The second is the big one, this is the one that was almost sexual in my teens but now it is a slow feeling of femininity building in intensity as I look at Trish in her outfit for the day in the mirror and begin putting on my make up. There’s never a rush for any of this. I slowly watch as Trish begins to emerge and the last and most satisfying thing I do is place my blonde wig on my head, brush it out and just take in the pretty girl staring back at me with a satisfied smile on her face. Placing my wig on my head is like a climax to me. My heart is pounding and my breathing is quick and shallow. It’s like a climax at the end of love making. This is the sequence and it will never change. Thanks so much for the post Jocelyn.
Trish 💖
The stockings are a very special feeling, ah!
But the wig; I wouldn’t call that a little thing. It is the crowning glory. And you really, really enjoy putting on your wig.
Well done special friend. You do look so pretty, and young.
Thanks for commenting.
If I had to name one item that makes the (huge ) difference it would have to be my wig , I’m so envious for those girls who can get away with their natural hair but it’s never going to happen for me . Now I’ve officially changed my name I’ve been able to apply for a new passport and driving licence which obviously show me wearing a wig . So now if I’m packing to go on a holiday the most important item is a spare wig otherwise all the lovely clothes and shoes could be meaningless .
I like your idea , so I’ll Email you with a picture , it won’t be a glam one but just ME being ME out in the RW .
Thanks for your thoughts.
I was looking for the little things.
Sorry my point was the little things are wonderful to expereience but have little impact without my basic look being right and the right wig is so important .
Hi Jocelyn,
My absolute favorite little thing is slipping into pantyhose. Even after decades of wearing them, I still adore sliding them up my legs and making them silky smooth from toes to waist:) I also enjoy the constriction of a bra around my chest and the pinch of my toes in pointed stilettos. They’re a constant reminder of the feminine beauty I’m wearing.
I wholeheartedly agree with you, pantyhose makes me feel so feminine. The feeling never grows old.
I’m not so sure about the pinching in the stilettos. That constantly reminds me something is not quite right.
Thank you for your contribution.
I had an unexpected opportunity to dress enfemme today and I was reminded how much I enjoy tucking away the little things and creating a smooth flat front;)
The smooth flat front is what we all want to achieve.
Thank you bringing that up, lol.