The Law of Gestation

🌼 Hey friends, it’s Gwen here! 

You know how flowers bloom when they’re good and ready? That’s kind of like life too! 

🌸 The Law of Gender tells us that everything has its own time to grow and become what it’s meant to be. Just like those flowers, our transgender friends are blooming into their true selves when the time is right for them. 

 Did you know you can give birth to your inner flower faster? How’s that Auntie Gwen? 

You feed your flower and starve your fear. You do research, reading and listening to anything that will be like Miracle Grow. 

You go to conventions and Pride events. You get the idea. Your flower will germinate quicker but don’t rush it. She’ll bloom when she’s good and ready. 

So how will I know when I’m ready? Ever see one of those movies when the character is told, “Just wait for the signal! You’ll know it when you see it.” 

That’s how it is here. 🌈

It’s so amazing to see them shine and be who they really are. So let’s support and cheer for everyone’s journey. 

After all, every person is like a unique flower in the garden of life! 

Dr. Gwen Patrone 


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