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Originally run October 8, 2021.

Maybe you were lucky enough to have spent a relatively small amount of time wanting to experience the exhilaration of being a Trans Woman.  

Wouldn’t it be great to have a strong, confident Trans Woman in your life you could watch and learn from?  But sometimes, the inexperienced are not that fortunate. All can benefit enormously from having a strong, interesting Trans Woman as a role model. 

Why not become that woman yourself for some young ladies? If you reflect on any Trans Women role models you have, you’ll recognize a common thread running through them all: they’re confident in their own skin. 

It doesn’t even matter if you’ve never met them in person.  Those Trans Women or cis gender women embrace their own lives and express their TRUE SELVES in the process.  Some of my role models are Gal Gadot, Kate Beckinsale, Caitlyn Jenner and Gwen Stefanie.

And you can do those same things. When you’re able to accept yourself for who you are, from your strong points to your idiosyncrasies, you’re then free to be the Trans Woman you most want to be.

*This is to include CD or anyone in the LGBTQ spectrum. Just put yourself in the appropriate category for you.

So how, exactly, do you go about this? Try these tips to be a wonderful TransGender role model:
1. Know who you are. 🤩If you allow your own self to emerge, others will notice that you’re genuine and will be drawn to you. When you avoid putting on airs, people are more comfortable around you. Plus, they’re less likely to put up a façade in your presence.
2. Be brave enough to show the world. 💥To extend the idea in the suggestion above, those who lack confidence usually fear showing others who they really are. Demonstrate your confidence by letting people know the “real” you.
3. Express yourself through your appearance.👗 The bottom line is that our appearance is a reflection of who we are. Although how you look isn’t the whole picture, it surely does complete the image. Let your inner self be represented in your appearance.
4. Listen well. 👂One of the most useful behaviors to model for aspiring Trans women is to pay attention and listen well to others. Developing the skill of listening is a lifelong process. Be assured that modeling this skill for young people is a huge contribution to their development.
5. Step up and speak up. 😀When necessary, stand up for something that’s important to you or that you believe will make the world a better place. Speaking up just means that you express your thoughts in ways that people can best hear them, in a non-threatening tone using engaging language.
6. Avoid criticizing others. ☠Learn positive ways to provide feedback so that your comments do not come across as harsh criticisms. 
7. Let it be. 😈Refrain from becoming involved in negative conversations and situations. Consider these events a waste of your time. We only get a certain number of minutes in a day. Why spend any of yours on negativity?
8. Show love freely. 💗Demonstrating that you care about others and the world, in general, is a wonderful quality and a great example for young people.
9. Do your own thing. 🤜🤛Reveal your innermost self. Do you love to cook, dance, and work with numbers? Then pursue all three. Immerse yourself in whatever excites you. When you feel great about yourself, you experience the freedom to participate in life in ways that increase your enthusiasm for it. 

When you do these things, you’ll not only live life to its fullest potential, you’ll provide every Trans Woman you encounter with a fascinating, approachable role model. You’ll give them a lot to think about now and a better life later on when they mature and are able to show their own moxie! 

Be Strong. 💪 
Gwen Patrone



2 Responses

  1. Gwen ,
    This is a wonderful piece , so much rings true for me . My one reservation is the advice in section 4 , listening to others . Unfortunately I found I was going down some blind alleys because I hadn’t the experience at that time to pick out fact from BS . To those experienced ones please do not BS the less experienced ones , I have two current posts that are totally factual and really back up your advice here . We need to tell these stories if we have been through the whole storyline ourselves .

    I personally don’t see myself as a role model , that was never my first intention , I simply wanted to integrate into society as Teresa . At times I’ve been considered a role model to CDers/transgender friends which is very flattering but what has surprised me as I’ve gained acceptance I’ve also been considered a role model for my cis female friends . I consider it a great privilege to be accepted as a woman , presenting as a woman is very special to me which is something I never felt as a man .

    1. Teresa,
      Role models can become that way by so many ways. Just being the best you that you can be is perfect. It looks like that’s what you’ve done.

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