Gwen and I could not agree more about.... Originally run October 23, 2021.

I’ve written about various forms of love over the past few months (on her Facebook page  Yesterday was about loving yourself FIRST.

I think, as a society, we’ve lost the impact loving each other can have on our daily lives.  Petty biases and marginal differences have corrupted the most important emotion we have.  LOVE. 💗

Love is the language that brings peace to the world.  It speaks to us by slicing through the hardest of hearts.


Stripping away the learned mindset from my socialization allows me to see what truly matters. The basis of all successful human interaction is love.

Stripping away gender biases, color biases, religious and political biases will have us see that we’re not that different at all and we have more in common than our petty differences.

I was dressed enfemme for much of the weekend (lucky me), and I was treated with kindness and respect.  Many even expressed their happiness that I felt comfortable enough to express myself as Gwen.


Peace and understanding lead to our ability to live well with others. It allows us to see others as our brothers and sisters instead of holders of opposing opinions.


When we hold conversations with friends that have strong views, lets try to listen without judgment. Lets open our hearts and minds to their perspective. We may or may not agree with some or all of what they had to say but this approach encourages us to disagree without creating division between us because they felt HEARD.

It is important to be able to exist with others regardless of their personal or political views.  Can we accept and love that each person is entitled to their own point of view?  Sure we can. Be aware that most media is built on sensationalism and to polarize people.  Your awareness of this is the antidote to their negative effects on your love power.


Love takes different forms in our personal and professional life. When we interact with the people we work with, we maintain professional openness. It is a way of embracing them without criticism.

Appreciate those whose love for you is consistent despite their possible differing perspectives than your own.

The language of togetherness and synergy is ❤ LOVE. 

Can we hold strong to the deepest and most recognizable language that requires no explanation? Sure we can.


Lets all welcome LOVE in our life, and lets all give it to each person who we interact while expecting nothing in return.

If we take the leap of faith and LOVE OTHERS FIRST, it’s amazing the ripple effect we’ll have across the entire planet. This is the Butterfly Effect. The frequency and amplitude of the VIBRATION OF LOVE 💗 is undeniable.


Be Strong. 💪

Gwen Patrone

Gwen posts inspiration daily at!


7 Responses

  1. This is a very important message. None of us is perfect but too many focus on minor imperfections and turn them into the overriding big issue. My mantra with my kids was ‘always see the good in everyone’ and slowly but surely the mind-numbing monologues about ‘how bad so-and-so is’ subsided and they became happier as a result (and needless to say that within one day of ‘so-and-so’ being the worst person ever to set foot on planet Earth had already reverted to being offspring’s best friend!).

    What’s really sad is that issues that are really minor in comparison to others all too often become a dealbreaker, particularly in our community. We try to be the best husband and father that we can be and yet our occasional preference for clothing usually found in the ladies’ department eclipses that, even to the point where the continuation of the marriage is seen as untenable. Things are clearly changing for the better in society – yet another mention of acceptance in the post above underlines that – but too many of us still have the hardest nut to crack – those closest to us.

  2. Gwen,
    What a wonderful message ❤️ It took me a long time to love myself, now that I do I can and do truly love others. I am now a better person. 🤗🤗🤗
    Stay beautiful-Sherry

  3. I know this is not a religious site but Jesus said to love the lord your God with all your heart and soul and your neighbor as yourself
    I think that pretty much sums up how we as humans should be towards others

  4. Gwen,
    Love is a loose term , even the bible desribes the different kinds of love we experience .
    I was wondering what the was the ingredient that underlines true love ? I would say it’s total trust . I’m sure most of us will admit to having very few people in their lives that they trust enough to love . We drift into friendships but without the final ingredient the bond isn’t there and we drift apart , at times that does hurt because we feel we’ve given everything to secure that bond but some people are totally transient , they’re either frightened or incapable of making that commitment .
    It’s possibly more of a problem within the LGBQT community if they’re struggling with their identity , they question who it’s right or safe to form close contact with . Personally I’ve seen that within my CDer/transgender groups and I admit I’ve been more hurt within the community than I have in general society . It’s not really surprising because so many in that communtiy have to be economic with the truth to guard their identity , I know because I’ve lived that scenario .

    It’s taken too many years to discover I can love myself , finally now I’m free to live as Teresa I can be open with people and gain their trust , I can get closer to people . I love my art so it’s something close to me I can now share with people and now I’m finally seeing people returning that love .

    Love comes in many forms but sometimes it might need changes in our lives to understand and appreciate it .

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