December 6, 2024 back to my usual post for near ten years running at The Cleveland Museum of Art’s “MIX: Art of the Game”, presented in partnership with the Cleveland Cavaliers, to celebrate the release of the CMA-inspired City Edition Cavaliers jersey. Members from the Cavaliers Dance Team and Scream Team made guest appearances as DJ Steph Floss, the Cavs’ official DJ, spun an all-night set of party music. The jerseys are indeed awesome and by the way, so are our Cavaliers (although as a lifelong Cleveland sports fan, I am looking at how they will most break our hearts). I will say, I wish this was done last month as it is, if Hallmark is correct, the six-month Christmas season….
Since I was going garage to garage, no outdoor walking, I was able to wear the outfit I had intended for the day prior, heels and all! My boss for one of my jobs has set up a monthly Zoom call to get caught up. He scheduled them for 3:00PM, the first Friday of every month, which means I have a very condensed schedule to get ready for my monthly MIX.
I was scurrying into the museum and as I approached the main entrance, one of the guards smiled and said “Now It’s Officially a Mix!”. That filled me with pride, as I have indeed become the fabric of a fabulous event and a world-class institution.
With regard to my presentation, I wish I was as good at a career and life planning as I am at how I put myself together. This is a process, it is (hate the cliche but it applies) a journey. I am now at that point in the journey where I have gotten quite good at all of this. I do believe that Malcolm Gladwell’s “Rule of 10,000 hours” may well apply to me now.

This is my friend Shelly and I. She and her husband are great friends and they are almost always at Mix. Yes, she is short and yes, I am Godzilla-like.
I had yet another person ask if I were in a movie. “Didn’t you star in Calendar?” I quickly corrected him, saying I was only in the movie, far from a star. He recognized me because he has a relative in the film, so I am sure he has seen it more often than many.
That smile never left my face, which was amazing. I won’t go into it at all here, but I got into a dispute with regard to some business I hired someone to do that had me livid and it happened while I was attempting to get ready. I was beyond furious, yet in that outfit, in that space, with the love and acceptance I receive, knowing I was noticed in an amazing way, I was still joyful.
I chatted with many, hugged many, took photos for many in front of that Christmas tree which was to my left and simply glowed all night. I am loving the hair, learning new ways to style it (hair has always been my Achilles heel) and feel so completely feminine. When I got home, I lingered in my outfit, having trouble coming to grips with flipping the switch back to male.
As I walked out, I smiled at that same guard and told him I was leaving so he could now officially shut the Mix down. Seek joy, find happiness. Never easy, but so worthwhile.
Just me venting… The list of the top blogs for CDs, TG, Transwomen is out and of course, we are no where to be found. While I am not delusional to think my blogs matters in the grand scheme of things, but no mention? The Godmother of these blogs, Casa Stana (aka Femulate) is deservedly on top the lists (as well she should be), but blogs that haven’t posted in years are ranked. So we will remain the Little Engine That Could. I go out into the general public week after week, I present as the woman I am (like an actual woman in terms of dress for the circumstance I am in), I interact with the masses, changing minds one at a time, but I guess that means nothing. We walk the walk, we are a community of ladies that I am proud of helping to assemble. We never phone it in but please understand, this is work. Not thankless work, it fills me with pride, but work nonetheless. To quote a friend, and so it goes!
17 Responses
Beautiful as always, Shelley is amazing!
Yes, she certainly is!
Thank you dear! Keep being amazing…
Kandi, love your outfit, teal is a fantastic color on you. Seeing you at these holiday events is wonderful, and makes me want to do the same. Not likely to happen this year or any time soon, sadly. 💔
Don’t fret about the blog listings. Feedspot does not seem to have a clean algorithm for its rankings, as you said, several blogs haven’t posted in years. We know that Kandi’s Land is a safe and beautiful place, deserving of higher recognition!
I’m not fretting, just venting. Love you T!!
The truth is confidence shines through , you are so comfortable in your own skin ( Kandi’s that is !)
If Kandi’s Land grows we could lose the close group of friends , BIG is not always beautiful . Like you I was a member of , not always a warm and pleasant place to be , I miss some good friends but there’s a great deal I don’t miss !
Thanks Terri! I just find it interesting that there really are only a few blogs (forums are different) that actually crank it out every day like this one.
We are the little engine!
I admit I’m a little illiterate to the workings of online stuff , as a Transgender person I’m simply looking for ways to help me through my life and in the process help others . The most important thing is seeking out the TRUTH , the one difference that I find sad is we don’t appreciate how much others suffer until we join forums . I still find we have a freer society in the UK than you do in the US which was a surprise to me .
I am very disappointed about the CD-TG blog ratings.
There are three explanations:
1. It is done strictly on site hits with no concern for content or quality. But I don’t know how an external organization can count hits on all the sites.
2. The person who does the rankings has a deep hatred of Kandi and they personally unjustifiably trash Kandi’s Land. How petty of them?
3. Ranking is purely based on Product Placement. KL doesn’t push any manufacturer/ retailer’s specific products.
The ranking system clearly shows how ridiculous it is. Blogs with no content and no posts rank higher than KL! The organization that does the ranking has absolutely no credibility. Please ignore anything they say.
The content and quality of Kandi’s Land far exceeds anything on any of the other sites. The caring and sharing is first rate. Lives are changed for the good because of KL. Well done Kandi, keep up the great work.
I am hated? Oh well….
You are a backbone for us here and I love you for it.
Your pal,
That hate thing was just an option as to why: I don’t believe it though.
You are loved by everyone.
Now if I am a backbone for KL, that makes more sense why the rating is low.
Yes my friend I’m loving that hair as well you look fabulous
I am loving playing with it Rach and hair is my least accomplished girl skill.
Keep being a shing star!
Don’t worry Kandi, we think your the #1 blog!
And BTW, great outfit and I love the hair.
Fiona xoxo
Fi, this one’s for you: 😘
Kandi, you are so gorgeous in that outfit and hairdo! I am so happy to know you and be a participant to this site. I rarely visit any other blogs, let alone any that are trans related. But then I’m not online much anyway. I have never been to any site quite like Kandi’s land. After meeting Amanda and Kandi, I really felt like I finally found my community here, a real sense of satisfaction and belonging, even just reading and listening to what is posted here. These are the kind of people I enjoy to associate with and want to emulate, and as far as my feminine life is concerned, this is the go to place for me. But it’s so much more than that too. It’s been a character building experience. I think I have become a kinder, more loving and tolerant person because of Kandi’s influence. And I totally agree with what Jocelyn said about the quality and content of KL. It’s a breath of fresh air, especially in a world gone crazy with the trans stuff.