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Note To Self….

Words to live by.

I shine. 

I am smart, strong, and beautiful. 

I am confident and authentic. 

This is the song you must sing to yourself every day.🎶 

Have confidence yet be humble.👗 Embrace and appreciate your strengths☝ and celebrate your accomplishments. 

Give yourself credit for making an EFFORT. The universe doesn’t keep score if you made it or didn’t. It’s the EFFORT👌 that counts most. 

Create your own definition of success. Take care of your wellbeing. Feed yourself delicious and nutritious foods to help manage your energy state. 

Exercise regularly and sleep well. Carve out time for you and the activities you love. Nourish your spirituality and continue learning. 

If your goal is to be full time femme, take steps to get there in your own time. 

Do you have a goal date to complete your transformation? Reward yourself for making steady progress every day because rarely is progress made in one leap. 


Set a long-term date to complete, then work backwards to eventually set quarterly, monthly and daily goals. Then focus on the few daily tasks and let the magic 💐 happen.  


Surround yourself with family and friends who care about YOU. Your loved ones help you to recognize your worth. 


Your close friends and loved ones will help provide you with practical assistance, encouragement and moral support. Love yourself and smile at yourself in the mirror. Treat yourself like a beloved friend and enjoy your own company. 

Don’t take everything so seriously. LAUGH HARD AND LAUGH OFTEN. 😆😅🤣😂 

It’s perfectly fine to laugh and is medicine for the soul. Laughing and comedy have become a lost genre but you don’t have to let it go. It’s a great stress reliever. 

Do things that bring yourself JOY and help you to GROW. Your happiness comes from within. 

It’s been said, “If anyone can make you feel glad, sad or mad, then you’ve been had.” Can anyone or anything really MAKE you do or feel anything unless you let it? Hmmmm. 🤔  

Advocate for yourself and stand up for your values. Figure out what you need and want, then set goals to go after them. 


See your potential and honor your dreams of feminization💋. 

 👉If you were writing a press release about yourself, what would I say? 

 👉How can you soothe yourself when you are feeling stressed? 

 👉Why do you deserve love and happiness? 

Be Strong. 💪 

Dr. Gwen Patrone 



2 Responses

  1. Gwen,
    As always you make me stop and think about life and where I fit in .

    Your quote saying ,” If anyone can make you feel glad, sad or mad , then you’ve been had !” Can anyone or anything really make you do or feel anything unless you let it ?
    Isn’t this statement really the basic building blocks of humans , how do we learn , how do we evolve without influences from other parties , we have to let those influences in good or bad and then learn from them . Without realising it we can step out our frontdoor and impress those feelings on others , we have to learn how to deal with good , sad and bad news , our basic human nature doesn’t permit us to ignore them . Really we should celebrate the fact that as humans we have the ability to identify those emotions and act accordingly .

    Surrounding yourself with family and friends that care about you , your loved ones help you recognise your worth . You are WORTHY .
    This is a subject that can almost tear people apart within our communtiy , while we attempt not to we often push those boundaries beyond the limits of loving care . How many times have we seen written the dilemma facing a CDer trying to come to terms with that and possibly more within their close family and friends . Sometimes we only see our true worth in hindsight , at the time we carry too much guilt for something we don’t fully understand .
    Sorry to repeat this but to come to terms with US you have to consider all possiblities , the love we give and receive should be unconditional otherwise we start to live a compromised lifestyle , people can only walk on eggshells for so long !!. I admit I don’t see my children and grandchildren often enough , my door has always been open to them , they know my love is still there , I could give more but not as Teresa . It raises the question does the hurt make us care less ?

    The saying is , ” we can’t choose our family but we can choose our friends !” Friends aren’t a subsitute for your own flesh and blood but they can supply the comfort and support not always possible from family , so we should care for our friends as much as we would our family . Finding good friends has been a saviour in my transition , they now need me as much as I need them which is wonderful , the one down side of this is my transgender friends have fallen by the way but it’s really a natural progression as I evolved more as Teresa .

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