Beside being a great song by the great Bill Withers, this was my day on January 27, 2022.

On a brutally cold morning, I had the first shift at the art museum information desk. When I showed up, I found I was working alone, but for some reason, I rather enjoyed being alone this time. Knowing little to nothing about art, I usually depend heavily on my desk partner.
But this day, I chatted with patrons easily, not demonstrating my lack of knowledge. It was just nice to be out, in an adorable outfit, around others.
My outings have been dwindling of late, so I now cherish any chance to get out and do something.
So here is my outfit for the day, which the angel known as my wife said was very cute. Not a bad way for a girl to start her day! Just to soak it all in for a little while longer, I stopped at the mall on the way home and walked around. Not much more to report, just being visible, just being me!

Ask Kandi! Now that we have the YouTube channel up and running, I would like to take any questions from our wonderful readers and answer them personally, in a video. If you have a question, reach out through my email address on the “Contact” page. Thanks ladies!
4 Responses
Great outfit Kandi, I love the red coat and sunglasses. It seems that this winter has curtailed a lot of our activities, so we do want to enjoy the time we get. Keep on smiling! ❤
While it’s been brutal of late, we really got no snow until mid-January here, so I won’t complain!
Nothing like a day out as the girl we all enjoy being
Lovely dress
Yeah, that was a good outfit!