I Cried Like a Baby

Your genial hostess being a genial hostess..

The day before, Sherry and I worked the open house for Darlafoxx. This day, morning came early, January 29, 2023.

My great friend Barb had another bridal expo. Sher and I helped set up and work with the vendors. I decided to dress for the part.

We got there before 9:00AM for the 1:00PM show. We helped with the vendors as they showed up, getting them in the right spots and all set up. During this process, I got to know quite a few of them.

For about 4 hours, I walked around, interacted with so many and made some real friends. I felt on top of the world.

I was also a model for the second consecutive day, walking for a great friend who was integral in my getting included in the magazine photo shoot last year. I wore two mother-of-the-bride dresses. I do not have many pictures of the gowns or the walk because we were changing on the fly, and photos are difficult to come by.

My contacts were almost blinding me, so you see I ended up in my glasses.

I could not have been happier all day. One of the vendors and I, whom I met a few hours prior, snuck away and grabbed a drink and got to know each other.

I felt complete acceptance all day. vendors remembered me from working the same show last year. Everyone was so kind. When I walked the grey/blue dress, I was crying like a baby. I actually felt like the Mother of some bride, having helped some of my fellow models get the details taken care of (zip this, button that, hide a bra strap, etc.).

After the show I walked around and hugged quite a few people, literally crying with joy. I wept while I hugged Barb to thank her for including us. She took this picture of me, in all of my glory!

It was a weekend of joy for me. And it filled me with pride to have helped Sherry get her feet wet in the modeling community. We’ll sit back and watch her spread her wings. I’ve done my work.

I will tell you all something I told Sherry, sort of. I would only do this for her. No one else. I spent countless hours building these relationships through my many volunteer gigs. I do so much for many of my cis-friends with only the opportunity to have these wonderful experiences as a repayment of sorts for my help. For me to bring someone else into the tent, so to speak, only diminishes the need for me. Bringing in Sherry and others that ask for my help in doing these things, will eventually render me obsolete. It was certainly very clear, especially from the photos yesterday, she is soooooo much prettier than I could ever hope to be. This forces me to continue to reinvent myself. I always have been proud to be the only “one” in the room, and in many instances being that only “one” has been a great benefit. Now I am changing the dynamics of who and what I am. I love my friends and will always help them, even to my detriment. As I told Sher directly, take the baton and run with it!

This picture fills me with pride!

A little backstory on my outfit. The top I wore is actually one of my nighties. So when I started getting cleaned up at home after the show, I took a bunch of pictures. Here is one of them.

What an amazing weekend! The love in the room, even though no one but me was aware of it, was awesome. Now what’s next?

Please check out our latest photoshoot: This is Trans.


12 Responses

  1. Kandi,
    You set a benchmark that others may never reach , please don’t put yourself down , YOU are YOU , you don’t need to reinvent yourself . The reaction from the others attending the open show says it all ! You shed tears of joy what more could anyone wish for ?

    I find short nighties double up for slips when I don’t have a suitable length for certain dresses .

    1. Teresa,

      Literally my entire “Kandi” life has been reinventing myself over and over again. By no means am I putting myself down, but I know when one road is coming to the end and I have to then take another one. Thank you for the support, as I always appreciate it!


  2. Never fear being replaced. There is only one Kandi. Every girl needs to find her own place in the world, doing what she does best.

    Lisa P

  3. We are all beautiful, each in our own way. It’s never a competition, nor should we compare ourselves to anyone else. A friendship like you and Sherry have is immeasurable in its positivity and depth. I hope both of you feel that you can support one another to be the best person they can be, whatever comes in the future.

    The pictures are awesome, especially the one of the two of you. Your smiles always fill me with love and gratitude for your (virtual) friendship. ❤️

    1. I never viewed this as a competition, but I have learned a thing or two about the modeling business, as well as the acting business.

      We can absolutely support one and other and do so always! Thanks Tina!!

  4. Kandi,
    You are an AMAZING person that has given me a gift of friendship that has been and will continue to be more than I could have ever asked for. As far as not being the only one in the room anymore that is only true because I am there. You have the personality and command of the room that truly makes you the only one in the room! Your guidance and support has allowed me to blossom into not only the woman I am but more importantly the person I have transformed into. I look forward to our continued friendship and will not take one moment for granted and will always look to you for guidance. Thank you BFF!
    With love and admiration,

    1. Ahhhh…go on…no, go on!

      Okay, seriously, as I told you directly, helping you. helping others, gives my life purpose. While I have accepted who and what I am, without a logical reason for being, it doesn’t make sense. This place and doing the things I do for others is that reason, it grounds me. It also allows me to attack each day, Kandi or not, with a hopeful attitude and is why that smile, which was not there a few years back, is ever present!

      So I guess it is me that owes you the gratitude!

  5. I love these shows you are in it makes me dream I could do such, unfortunately my time is so limited with full time work and all.
    You ladies look fabulous as always.
    You kind caring love for this community shines through your words here my friend, I’m only happy to share a small part of it.
    Thank you for all you do
    Love ya Rach

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