Give to The American Heart Association. Our sisters suffer in a disproportionate way from heart disease. Give means, of course, financially, or give your time and your support if you are able.
I am blessed beyond words to have woven myself into so many organizations that do so much to make us a better world, a better society. The American Heart Association is one of those organizations. I am one of the women that are the backbone of what we need to do to help.

February 16, 2024, not only was this an event I have worked for many years, but we staged the centerpiece for the event. Yes, I again resumed my role as model coordinator!

My work day started with helping Toni unload her car with all the outfits. The event was held at a downtown hotel under construction, so this simple act was not at all easy. We got everything in and went about putting on a great show, with very little room for the ladies to get dressed and in temperatures easily in the 50’s (while indoors, it was freezing!). I saw models I had worked with before and gathered my fill of thanks and hugs (if they only knew I would pay to help them).
Surprisingly to me, the bulk of the compliments I received this day (remember while men are there, this is probably a very well attended, 90% female event) were on my coat.

All I can say is I was so happy. Fellow volunteers, whom I have known for years, greeted me with hugs and love. The models were all so happy to have me. Toni could not stop thanking me (to which I reminded her she was paying me and I was there for the exact reason, to make the event happen through logistical challenges).
But this is the absolute highlight of the day and maybe will be for the year. One of the models was Valentina. I am not good at guessing ages, but she could not have been much older than maybe ten. She walked twice. We got to know each other (along with her Mom) and she could not have been sweeter and sweeter to me (remember, as Cyndi Lauper titled her first album, I am “So Unusual”). Even for someone so young, I do not take any acceptance lightly.
I walk back and see an exact version of my dress (literally exactly), although the mini version, hanging there. Yes, Valentina and I wore the exact same dress (Calvin Klein). So, of course, this called for the best picture I will ever take.

Who wore it better? She did, of course! Not even close (but she did have the bow….).
These stories are real and actually do happen. And they would not happen if I did not get out there and open my heart (and my big mouth) to the world. Certainly, if you allow it, the world will swallow you whole and spit you out. But if you seek joy, look for happiness, you can find it. And I say this as someone who has had the world crap on my head, repeatedly. Love one another!
One of the reasons, among many, that I had to cancel out on Keystone is that I will be walking this event (if we can get enough attendees, which is very much in question). I could not pass this up, even if it does not happen because of my relationship with Dar. I could not have done both Keystone and this and had to decide by the end of February, so for this and many other reasons, I believe I did what is best for me.

Also, bookending Keystone is the Plexus Annual Meeting. Last year I made a key business connection, that helped put real income in my pocket. This year, I appear to be the (or a) cover girl.

I struggled mightily with this decision, probably more than I should have. But I adore my friends, far and wide, and seeing them in the real world (as opposed to the virtual one) is life affirming. Ladies, I will miss you even as I am quickly forgotten by by those there.
10 Responses
The simple answer is keep what you’re doing it must give so many the strength and confidence to step foot outside their doors .
Last week I noticed a new travel agent setting up shop , I’m wondering about my own holidays so I popped in to ask for suggestions . I was warmly greeted and had a long chat with the manager , she suggested I attend the official opening ceremony , which was yesterday . The venue was full , people were drinking wine and eating nibbles , the manager greeted me at the door with a hug and showed me possible holiday ideas . The town mayor was invited to formally open the store so we all gathered outside while he cut the ribbon and then had a group photo taken . Back inside I got chatting to the photographer so he asked if I minded some pictures of me checking out the brochures . It was a really enjoyable couple of hours , OK I got chatted up by a couple of guys , perhaps I made the mistake by saying I would be travelling singly !!
Kandi, the red dress is fabulous, both on you and the young model. This event is such a powerful way to be visible, accepted, and loved.
Yes, indeed T!
Kandi, that pic of you and the little girl is just adorable ❤️. The Heart and stroke foundation is one of the organizations we strongly support. So it’s good to see you helping out. It was a tough choice but which one looked best in the dress I had to go with ‘mini you’ , she is just so cute 🤗
Valentina made me look like a pauper! Thanks Trish!
As always I feel so uplifted when reading stories like this. Thank you for sharing it. The picture with the little girl is so cute. You looked so feminine. And so wonderful to be accepted for who you are. To my mind it seems the norm that you almost daily experience everything that any other normal woman would. I’m so happy for you!
Love this story and that dress is so perfect for you and this event
What a precious story as well with you and your young twin
I actually have a friend who’s getting married and who encouraged me to come as Rachael and so I’ve decided that yes I will
I’m not sure I will have a great story like yourself but I’m looking forward to being out there
Nothing better than attending a wedding as a woman! Enjoy Rach.