I finally scared up an opportunity to go to a cool event, a party, where I would know no one walking in the door and could really get pretty. January 24, 2025, the Opening Night Celebration at moCa Cleveland for their newest exhibit. And as you all know, I know nada about art (even having worked in a world class art museum for a decade), but I do love arty people! But that wasn’t the highlight of my evening.
This was a solo flight and underscored why I prefer these (of course, I love my friends, but allow me to explain). I had zero time obligations, so I could really take my time getting ready. I waivered back and forth about going as it was just cold and crappy out. Not having any time commitment allowed me to just enjoy the process, play with my outfit selection and arrive at a decision that I wanted to do, not what I had promised I would do. It also allowed what happened to happen. But first let’s talk about the process.
Every year, with the free time available to me over the holidays, I dig deep. That is why I am doing the boudoir shoot and usually end up doing something like that early every year. I also upgraded my eyewear. Like?

The outfit was perfection! A swede Calvin Klein dress, $11 from Goodwill, that scarf, the boots. So comfortable and yes, noticed!
So I stop at Bar Italia, a frequented restaurant, for Happy Hour. I deliberated about a few different places and selected this one because I almost always have some interaction with other patrons, which is what I was seeking.
I walk in, plop myself mid-bar, people all around. No one pays me any mind. I sip my glass of wine, simply enjoying how I looked, where I was. Very proud of myself, still to this day, eleven years in. A little after I sat down a few ladies came in and sat two seats to my right, one empty seat in between. I order my dinner, an arancini appetizer. When it arrives, the woman closest to me asks what I had, saying it looked good. I jokingly offered her the plate. She laughed and told me I was cute. I ate and she turned back to her friend. Well, because I was alone, I was able to further engage with these ladies. After I had finished eating, she reengaged me in conversation. I moved over one seat, ordered another glass of wine and Elaine, Paula and I were like three ladies out for the evening! We shared photos, Paula told me about her recent trip to Mexico City, Elaine talked about how they became friends, binding over having their husbands struggle and recently pass away from dementia. Paula having moved to the area from Seattle. Elaine is headed to Arizona to spend a few months with her children and grandchildren. She talked about how she loves to get high (that was so funny). They are both in their mid 70’s and we agreed when she gets back from Arizona, we’ll get high together.
Who would have thought, me and two older Jewish ladies, bonding. When I finally left, I hugged both of them a couple of times. Paula gushed over my outfit and called me cute again (of course, I loved that!). We both told each other we loved each other and I could not wipe the smile off of my face.

The event at moCa was nice. It was just wonderful to walk around a crowded building, looking at the art and gathering compliment after compliment on the dress and the scarf. I chatted with a few people, stayed about an hour and headed home, almost floating from the evening. I really needed this one and am grateful for how the evening unfolded.
10 Responses
Glad you had such a good time! The outfit looks wonderful!
You’ve had similar experiences at the same place, so you know how wonderful it can be. Thanks! ❤️
You look great Kandi. And the glasses are over the top!
Not only was your evening special, I’m sure the two ladies will remember you forever.
Your dress is lovely , I would say a keeper , so much you could do with it , in fact the whole outfit is nicely put together .
I never let age be an obstacle to having fun , even at 73 I’m having a ball ! Hitting seventy doesn’t feel old anymore , watch your diet , take care of your health and exercise at some point everyday . I’ve made an appointment to have my ankle checked , if I get the OK I’m joining the tennis group again this year .
Yes, this dress is a keeper! Can’t wait to reimagine it down the road.
Kandi, the dress is beautiful, and the new glasses are wonderful. The new friends you made are the highlight of the evening for me, having had a similar experience in my last time out. Love you!
Looking great, thanks for sharing the joy!!!
What a lovely story. I wish I could be so brave.