Thank you all for your kind comments yesterday.
I seem to keep following up melancholy posts with these photo shoot posts.
Part two of this wonderful experience!

Life gives and takes. So allow me to say, I have been officially booked to be in the upcoming Superman movie! I am soooo happy…..
11 Responses
What a fabulous photo shoot.
“You look mar-r-r-vel-l-l-ous-s-s”
Congratulations on the new movie, Lois!
Congratulations, Super Star!!!!! Awesome news and well deserved!
Thanks my great friend!!
You look so beautiful in all the photos Kandi. And congrats on being chosen for the Superman movie, knowing you as well as we all do you should be a shoo-in to be cast as Super girl.
Looking like a first lady Kandi darling. Congratulations! You rawk \m/
Congratulation, I hope you have so much fun being a part of that movie. You look so beautiful and natural feminine in those pictures. Kandi you are an such a sweet and lovely person. I am glad to have meet such a wonderful person. I would love to meet you in person one of these days.
The red carpet is always out!!
Such a classy outfit. Looking wonderful as always. I’m so glad you’re an actress in DC and not a politician, lol.