Now, where did we leave off…
November 3, 2024 I did a “snow globe” photoshoot with my great friend, Jackie Bertolette. She had a set in her home and we had a wonderful time! No great story as I went there and back and was only there for about half an hour, but did quite alright. Here are a few more photos taken by yours truly before she headed out the door. Jackie and I open the post above.

You will have to come back tomorrow to see Jackie’s wonderful work!
In between, I went to a national sales meeting for one of my myriad jobs. There I was chatting with someone in our customer service area and she told me that her nickname for me is Dustin Hoffman. A little backstory here, which is told somewhere on the blog. On the set of “White Noise”, someone commented that I looked like Tootsie. I thought they were being a smart ass, but then they Googled a picture and I did look very much like Tootsie. I have been told the same elsewhere, always dressed (I got a few Jennifer Anston references as well, but I think that was more wig/hair style related). But this time, in full me mode, she said I reminded her of Kramer vs. Kramer Hoffman. So, in the words of the great Bill Murray, at least I got that going for me!
November 9. 2024, The Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation annual fundraiser Toast of The Town. We held a Sneaker Ball at the House of Sadness, known officially now as Huntington Bank Field or the home of the Cleveland Clowns, the worst run professional sports franchise on the face of Earth. That is inarguable and will never, ever change, for generations on into the future. But I digress…

Always a great event, seeing wonderful friends again, hugs, kisses on the cheek. And oh, the love and compliments! My socks were a big hit, as they usually are. What brings me the most joy, I am very well known among area catering employees. Many work at the stadium, art museum and other local event spaces. One woman walked up to me and asked “Four Roses and Diet Coke?” (my drink of choice at the art museum, Four Roses is a bourbon). Another bartender saw me coming in early to be there to greet VIP guests as they arrived, and took me through the back ways in the stadium to get to the event space. She also took good care of me when I was “hydrating”.
One woman walked up (Stacey) and asked me if I recognized the lady in the photo at left. That photo was on her phone, Stacey’s phone. That is a picture of my friend Judy and I at the recent Pandemonium. Stacey and Judy are best friends. Someone who I had never met somehow recognized a connection to me and was kind enough to tell me about it. She is a doll and later invited me to sit at their table after I had completed my responsibilities for the evening. Stacey and I took a selfie, she texted it to Judy, who responded “two of my favorite girls!”. I always wonder how I am described by people who meet me. I do know, they remember me and I believe, do so fondly.
It still fills me with pride to be at a high-end, mainstream event like that with zero issues (I know, why would there be, but to ever take this for granted would be foolish on my part). I walk around, am very easily referred to as “she” (without ever dictating my pronouns) and am engaged by other women as part of the sorority of all women. A true gift indeed.
This is the closest I will come to commenting on recent national events (we are a politics-free zone), LIVE YOUR LIFE! Societal changes have to be spoon fed, not force fed. We are still slowly evolving from racial prejudices throughout my lengthy life. I walk the walk and my doing so helps change minds, helps create positive mental images, even if those impressions are subconscious. They accumulate over time and I am living proof. Been out well over a thousand times, in so many different circumstances with zero issues, generally nothing but nothing (meaning I was completed accepted as another human) or love in terms of smiles, direct compliments or even acknowledgements to my being myself and doing so with dignity and class. ‘nough said!
The dress and the coat also got quite a bit of love!

Thank you to those who have served on this Veteran’s Day.
9 Responses
You always look so beautiful. BUT, the yellow, off the shoulder, ruffled hem, short dress is the best I have ever seen you. You look stunning. You are gorgeous.
Your extremely friendly personality opens doors. It is no wonder you belong with the VIPs.
I echo your sentiments regarding Veteran’s Day, or Remembrance Day where I come from. Those brave women and men who have served over the centuries have to be thanked and remembered.
Love to all,
My Dear long time Stana friend you alway have wonderful femine outfits. YES the yellow was spectacular but so are almost all are. Cannot recall any loser. Keep up the track record and enjoy every one. Just expand the closet.
Marian Anne
And when you fill your walk-in closet, build a new house, just for your wardrobe. That’s what I have to do.
Kandi, you look fantastic in that yellow dress, and the white coat is amazing with it and with the red dress for the Sneaker Ball.
Passing along my heartfelt thanks to our US Veterans, and to our allies on Remembrance Day.
Compliments are ALWAYS welcome. In male-ish mode, my nails will get a lot on compliments from both men and women. Women will grab my hand just to compare polish, LOL. My heels also receive enomous amounts of compliments. We got to accept praise gracefully and give compliments as well.
I love that white coat, love that puffyness; got to get more women’s coats myself.
Kandi: Although, I like the yellow dress, I love the red. I like the deep colour and overall general shape of it. I agree, the Browns are a joke. The people in the Dawg Pound must be lamenting the Brian Sipes years.–well maybe one or two of them. (Just checked, he is 75 now) Have a great day.
Thanks dear! The Brian Sipe years began the era of deep heartbreak. See any Super Bowl trophies from those days?
Good morning Kandi,
I have to concur with all the other girls, yo look absolutely stunning in that gorgeous yellow dress it is just beautiful. Should I have the good fortune to meet you face to face make sure that dress is well hidden or it could very mysteriously disappear 🫠. Luv ya girl.
Trish ❤️💋
That dress is already gone…. One and done.
I could wear a different outfit probably every day for about two years with very little duplication.
I need to thin the herd as I go. Love you dear!