My best friend from my former employer (I retired nine years ago, he’s still working) is exactly one week older than me. I refer to him as the old man, he responds that in another week I will be as wise as him. We usually try to get together to celebrate our mutual birthdays, which occur at the end of June.
It was his birthday and we agreed I would meet him around six at his golf league, and we would go to dinner afterwards. His daughter (I’ve known her since she was very young) and daughter-in-law (they’re married) would join us.
That was my planned day; a bike ride, then a swim at the Y, run an errand, then meet up for dinner. Only….I’d skip the bike and swim bit…and find a spot to change…and have a Dee day.
I’ve explained this before. My wife is tolerant, and knows I dress. I occasionally tell her I am going out. However, she has also told me “lie to me” about my dressing, so I do. If she doesn’t know I’m out dressed, the less likely she worries I will be found out (which is her worry). It’s our version of DADT.
Sneaking out takes planning. I have to load my car with the proper girl stuff–makeup, wig, shoes, purse, clothes, etc.–and I only have so much room in my gym bag. I also have to take boy clothes; if I leave as a pumpkin, I have to return home as a pumpkin, and hide all of the traces of being a princess in between.
My wife was out but my son was home so I could put on some minimal makeup (foundation) and the dress I wanted to wear, and wear some boy clothes over the dress. I did both, and once in the garage removed the boy clothes, and drove to the nearby mall in the dress. Once there, I found a parking spot in the shade, and did my final touches to my makeup, put on the accessories, change my boy glasses for my girl classes, and brush out my wig and put it on.
My dress of choice was a new one I had bought about a week and a half before, a strappy backless dress I had bought at Windsor (a store with a much younger demographic than me) after my GG friend Renee had challenged me to step outside my comfort zone. I did, and I liked the look, and the dress was suitable for a warm summer day. I am still trying to figure out the best way to put it on, especially as the back straps crossover, and I have issues getting it on without messing up my makeup or my wig.

My first stop was Macy’s. They usually have lots of stuff on sale, and I have found bargains in the past. I wasn’t really planning to buy anything, unless I just couldn’t pass it up. Only recently had Macy’s reopened their change rooms, so I could try things on. My theme for the day was pretty dresses. I found a few, including the formal shown in the pictures here.
After trying on ten or so dresses–no takers–I ventured to the shoe department. The choices in my size are generally limited; there was one pair of pumps I liked, but they were too small.
I then ventured into the mall proper, and walked to the Windsor store (I bought the dress I was wearing at another Windsor store at a different mall).I perused the racks and found my dress, but nothing else that interested me.

I left the local mall and headed for the Nordstrom Rack in St. Louis. I had a $50 gift card from the Rack–from me to me, with a $5 discount–and as it was nearly my birthday, I wanted to find myself a birthday present.

I found the right present. I had been looking for a halter type dress–I have completely gotten over showing my bare boy shoulders–and the powder blue floral dress fit the bill. I love wearing dresses, and the consensus is blue is my color, so it was a pretty easy decision.
I still had more fun to follow–but that will be in Part Two next Sunday.
2 Responses
Wonderful, as always.
The re-reading was STILL wonderful as well!