Be Visible (Video Version)

The final installment.

And there you have it! The video “Rules of the Road”!


5 Responses

  1. Kandi,
    I love your video series on the four Bs. The series is very well done, and you look so fabulous.

    I think I follow your advice and because I do, my life is more fulfilled.

    Thank you for setting a great example. Thank you for being my friend.

    Love you,


  2. you are a great cheer leader and deserve a lot of credit spending time to convince others to dump the fear. still a LONG way to go
    thanx again

  3. I really enjoyed this review. I have previously watched these rules of the road on YouTube but it’s been a long time. And I’ve had the opportunity to put some of your advice into practice since then. And I still can’t credit you enough Kandi for the encouragement I recieved to get out myself. It was and is truly exhilerating to go out and be visible as yourself, although I’m quite certain I looked far more out of place than you do in this video.

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