Before I shut down my YouTube page, let’s revisit these videos shot during the pandemic.
Ever see this picture or something similar popping up on this or other websites as an ad?

Donna, the woman in the center of the photo, is one of “us”. Mainstream advertising.
7 Responses
Kandi, great video and packed full of sensible advice which I can testify works – if that doesn’t reassure those worrying about taking their first steps into the outside world, nothing will!
Good morning my pretty friend. Your video is spot on. It lays out perfectly the do’s and don’t s for all of our sisters who may be a little tentative about going out in public. The video will make their decision to be out in the general public much easier and much less stressful for them. The girls nowadays have it much easier than us baby boomers did. Like you, Kandi, I’ve never had an issue any where I’ve been. My girl friend and I shop in town every second week. We go to the malls. Costco, Walmart and grocery shopping and never had an unpleasant experience. Lastly this is the first time I’ve listened to you talk at length and, to me, your voice is not far off being feminine, it sounds rather androgynous.
Trish ❤️
Wonderful advice Kandi and it meant a lot to me and still does. I can’t stay away from your site for too long. It’s always great to visit and try and catch up.
I remember watching this video on YouTube before ever going out myself. It still took a long time to build up the nerve to do so and I didn’t have any of that liquid courage you mentioned. I think it was the first time I heard your lovely voice too and thought it was perfectly acceptable.
If Donna in that picture is the same one that had some video clips on Flickr, she had a completely passable feminine voice which is something so many of us can only dream about. And I think she’s also an actress like you!
Thanks darling! That was my hope when I shot the video (beside killing off another lockdown day during the pandemic), to help just one girl out there!
Donna is indeed an actress, I am a prop, but a cute one….
The video is great the problem is I felt I wanted to chat to you as you made your points , perhaps some day .
The question is it the nature of the beast to keep taking risks ? To push the envelope a little further . I have a story unfolding with my decision to play tennis again , it lead to a very interesting conversation but I’ll post after I’ve actually had my first session on the courts .