Back to back days dressed, back to back business or event functions. Back to back “A” games for me.
May 14, 2024: Business meeting with The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Two years trying, trying to get my foot in the door. My past role as a talent escort for the induction ceremonies has nothing to do with the hall itself, I was employed by the company hired to run the flow of the show. The absolute fact of the matter is that I do not get this meeting without Kandi. Without Kandi I never attend an ILEA networking event, which lead to my event planning job, which lead to me being introduced by ILEA’s chapter President to the Hall.
The meeting was more of an introduction, so I made the connection. I then stopped at the office, for an afternoon Cosmo and to pick up a prescription. So here is the photo spread before heading out the door.

May 15, 2024: For more than 28 years, Cleveland Magazine and the Arthritis Foundation proudly partner to bring one of the most highly anticipated culinary events in Cleveland. All participating chefs and restaurateurs are Silver Spoon Award winners and finalists as voted on by the extensive Cleveland Magazine readership, and all proceeds benefit the Arthritis Foundation and the mission to boldly pursue a cure for arthritis, the nation’s leading cause of disability, which affects 1 in 4 people including 300,000 children. Funds raised advance critical scientific research, several projects of which are being done right here in Cleveland, to create better, more affordable treatments and to support patients and families with life-changing resources to overcome the daily physical and mental burdens of chronic pain. For more information, visit This event was held at Cleveland Browns Stadium, which ironically seems to be where I get dressed in my very best outfits, the “A++” game! I am a 1 in 4.
As our friend Micki Finn once said, how long does it take you to get ready? How long do I have…
Plenty of time to get ready. Then I see a spot on my dress that I did not see previously. I go to clean that off and forgetting I had foundation and cover cream on the back of my hand (how I roll) I get make up all over the dress. Damn! It looked great, maximum cleavage, a red dress and white accessories. I take the dress off over my half-made up face and cannot get the thing clean. So without having to completely reimagine the outfit, I went with what you see here after a significant review of the dress collection. I was happy with my look, but was rushing the rest of the day until I reported to “work”.

I have worked this event quite often and just love it! Many fellow volunteer friends, many friends that work for the Arthritis Foundation, friends that work for the stadium (bartenders, go figure) and many friends among the patrons. I had a wonderful evening, enjoying quite a few of the specialties of the restaurants there, a cocktail or two or….
A wonderful evening and a great opportunity to network in my new capacity.
If anyone is interested (and there is zero reason anyone should be), I was able to finish the marathon yesterday. It was a spectacular day, but slightly warm. As I mentioned I did zero training. That means distance training. Until the day I die and my entire adult life, at least six days a week I make sure I at least get in a 30 minute workout and usually a bit longer. And those workouts of late focus principally on my lower body (maybe that’s why I’m fat). So I do have the lower body to do what I did. It was a grind, but it was worthwhile. My right hip, as I write this, is not happy with me. About seven miles from the finish, I met a young man attending law school to work for the Army (JAG) upon his completion. It was his second marathon, first of two planned this year. He is under thirty and he was struggling. So we walked together, talked, I goofed with people along the way, we ran only downhill (gravity is your friend) until we got about a half mile out and we went into a sprint. Grandpa here beat the youngin’. Multiple high fives and hugs ensued afterward. Marathon number seven in the books, my times continue to deteriorate, but you never know…..
13 Responses
Congratulations on running and finishing the marathon!
To say I “ran” it would be stretching the definition… ❤️
Well done Kandi and congratulations. As I’ve said countless times, you are an amazing woman and an inspiration to us all. Oh, and you looked gorgeous in both dresses. Luv ya girl.
Trish ❤️
Thank you darling!!
I aplogise but I can’t help smiling at your mishap . I learnt an important lesson sometime ago , as I follow the beauticians instructions by applying foundation on the back of my hand and then pick it up with a brush to apply it evenly to my face .I never bothered to wash my hands after but I soon realised why I had makeup on my knickers and control pants because in the process of tucking things neatly away it rubbed off .
OK how guilty are you of trying clothing items on and leaving a streak of makeup on the item ? I had to apologise to one SA but she made nothing of it .
I love the red/pink jacket , even being fulltime I still don’t often get the chance to dress really smartly as you do , smart casual is really the limit for the majority nowdays .
Glad to bring a chuckle into your day!!
Yes happy times when you can get out for your Kandi time it’s a joy to read about and I know a joy for you to be you.
As always you look lovely and yes makeup mishaps to happen and it can be annoying
And good for you on your marathon
That is defiantly something I would not attempt
Hugs my friend
Big hugs back at ya!
I have learned the “after three hours it’s no fun anymore” rule so I limit myself to half-marathons and shorter triathlons. It’s also no fun to do the four hour training runs to do the race itself.
I also understand this was to support another runner, so you “took one for the team.” Regardless of the time, finishing is finishing, and it’s own accomplishment–like finding the perfect outfit. 😀
The very difficult final few miles were actually a blessing as I got to know another human being, so yes, I am pleased I did it.
Life always surprises us! Thanks Dee!
Hi Kandi: First of all, lovely pics. First of all lovely pics; the black and white dress is so nice and looks really good on you. In regards to makeup mishaps, I have changed in the car and gotten some on my guy clothes. Not fun, since my wife is not at all tolerant. So I somehow have to sneak the clothes into the wash.
I always tell people you can fake a half marathon but not a whole. I have run two, I couldn’t imagine running one without training. It shows how resilient (or stubborn) you are.
Take care and keep writing. I am off to walking soccer.
Kandi, I love you confidence and your style as a women. You do so much in your community, and inspire me to do more in my community. You are a beautiful woman and I just love your pictures. You are also a wonderful ambassador for the crossdressing community. I also loved the story about the makeup mishap.
You loved the story and I was cursing like a sailor! ❤️