By Supermodel Sherry Greer
As good as the dinner cruise was Friday night the Saturday photoshoot was even better 🤗. After getting home and cleaned up I was in bed about 12:30 for the 7 am alarm the next morning. Of course I didn’t get that great of a sleep because I was too excited! A few days before I put together my outfits (I put together five) and got my shoes and jewelry together as well. This was a group photoshoot that I found out about from a mutual friend’s Facebook post. I did a photoshoot with the lead photographer in May.

The entire premise of the shoot was to recreate a 1960 photo by Ormond Gigli entitled “Girls in the Windows”. Compare the original to our rendition! There were around 25 models and 10 photographers who came to the event. Before and after the photo we could schedule time with photographers to have our own shoots, hence the reason for all the outfits! I had three sessions. In preparation I Facebooked the photographers to collaborate on what to wear and how each session was going to go. I told the first photographer that I could go “sexy to soccer mom” so he kiddingly said “how about sexy soccer mom” so that’s what I did! I arrived at the staging area which was at an old funeral home which is evidently the second most haunted place in Ohio! I brought a soccer ball as a prop and wore very short shorts with a black and white striped tank top that I folded into a crop top. I put on my black 4” stilettos, added a fake belly button ring for a little more “sexy” 🔥 and we got shooting! We first were on the side of the building in front of some flowery plants and a lot of ivy. He told me how he wanted me to pose and I also improvised as well. After that we went to the front of the building where there’s stone steps that used to be covered by a metal framed canvas structure. The framing is still there. The front door was red and white and had a retro look. He again gave me some advice on how to pose. Some of these shots are very sexy! The rush of emotions was unbelievable.

For my second shoot I drove over to where the group shoot was going to take place which was at an abandoned factory that is extremely cool and full of amazing graffiti. When collaborating with the photographer he wanted me to wear white to contrast some of the darker walls so that’s what I did. I wore a “way too young” spaghetti strapped dress and my nude pumps. I also brought tennis shoes to walk from place to place. One key to posing is to keep triangles with your hands and feet in relation to your body so that’s what I did!

For my third shoot I wore a pink skirt that matched my nails and an olive top with pink heels! I started posing against some brick and ivy where a window used to be. After multiple positions we switched to some shots in a nearby doorway. I used the ivy to soften up the lines of my face to hopefully make me more feminine!
Before the tribute group photo another model asked me to take some pictures of her. She was so cute and is into pin-up photos. After, she did the same. For this group photo I had on a long sequin gown with black wedges. There’s four floors to the building and the one side the windows faced a big field where all of the photographers stood. We all found a window and started posing as everyone took pictures from below. We were posing for at least 20 minutes! I was shocked at how hard that was!

Again, I cannot tell you how rewarding and confidence building it was🤗. Being able to express your inner feelings outwardly was an indescribable feeling that I will be smiling about for some time! At no time was anyone rude to me and I was definitely considered another model there! I was able to take some selfies but can’t wait to see the photographer’s pictures. After the photographers were finished we all made our way down to the ground floor and I said my goodbyes and thank you’s. I got into my car, went home, cleaned up and went to my 40th high school class reunion! As I was reacquainting myself with classmates I haven’t seen in years I was internally smiling about the events of the last two days ☺️! Hope you like the photos!
BFF did an incredible subsequent photo shoot which I hope she will share with us all in the future…
12 Responses
The belly button idea was neat. AND Yes STANDING IN HEELS for a long time without walking can be a tiny torture.
Torture but thrilling at the same time 🥰
Sherry, these pics are all fabulous, you look amazing and happy (and a little bit sexy). I would be so thrilled to be just “one of the girls” modeling for so many pictures!
Thanks! It was exhilarating! I have four more sets of pictures yet to get out!
So very amazing Sherry, you look great
Would love to do something like this
Thanks for sharing this
Thanks so much ❤️.More to come!
What fabulous photos of a fabulous woman.
You look great, and I so love your smile.
I hope to see you in February.
Thanks so much 😘. Definitely hope to see you in February!
Love the white dress!
Sherry ,
So many dream of the chance to do what you have achieved , to feel and dress sexily , glamourous whatever and be photographed with others in lovely settings , as a photographer I really appreciate the value of photographs and the fun that can be had appearing in them .
Please don’t take this as a personal attack but sometimes we need to think about the wider picture , I recall being on an online forum and posting pictures with the sudden realisation that people around the World knew what Teresa looked like . It was at that point I started to think about close family and friends also having the opportunity to discover what Teresa looked like , was I being fair to them ?
I posed the question on that forum asking how would they feel if they discovered their wife or partner had posted sexy , glamourous perhaps erotic pictures of themsleves behind your back ?
The more I thought about this the more I realised how complex our dressing situation is , we keep taking the the next step , we push boundaries , what really drives that need ? There isn’t a single answer because we have different reasons to do what we do .
Even being full time I still have unanswered questions , why I do certain things , why do I still challenge myself ? Pictures aren’t so important to me now because there is very little to hide it’s more to discover the depth integration can go as Teresa .
I definitely have asked similar questions about myself. My wife knew I did multiple photoshoots. I did show her the pics of me in the shorts and she was okay with it. You are correct, we’re always pushing things a bit to see how feminine we can get. Is it a bit selfish at times… Probably! I used to think I had to dress to the nines to be feminine but I don’t feel that way anymore, femininity comes from within but pushing the envelope at times is an amazing feeling.
Is it selfish ? I have been accused of that but most of that problem could be solved by acceptance , all I can do now is open my life to others . If my help is needed I won’t refuse but if it’s refused by others because of my appearance it’s not my problem .
Dressing to the nines is special at times , sadly less and less people in everyday life find time to enjoy moments like that . I’ve just returned from a holiday in Cornwall , I still didn’t take my dressier items and even then I was commented on when walking into the dining room for the evening meal and yes it did feel good . Not forgetting it was non transgender coach tour with forty+ people I’d never met before and a second tour company using the same hotel from Chesterfield . I had a great time , dancing one evening to the after dinner entertainment and saying farewell to many new friends .