A Nice Morning

By Jocelyn Johnson

I had some errands to run in the morning. Nothing special, but some things to do around the city.

An unexpected bonus, I had some alone time. It has been three months since I was out en femme. Not that I need to dress as a woman to know that I am TG. It is a nice change to put on makeup, wear feminine clothes and have longish brown hair.

You know how I absolutely love to wear a skirt and thigh high stockings, plus nice shoes with heels. BUT, running a few errands around town didn’t seem like the time to dress pretty. I was sure anywhere I went this morning there would be no skirts and dresses to be seen. And I was right about that.

I put on basic makeup: foundation, colouring brows, some eyeliner, blush and lipstick. My wardrobe was cutoff pants, a pastel sweater and red running shoes. Finishing with a modest necklace and bracelet.

My first stop was the post office to mail a letter (yes us elderly people still mail letters and cards). Then off to the CAA store (AAA for my USA friends) to get some maps for a family driving trip to Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. I prefer hard copies of maps to navigate my way around the world.

The CAA lady and I spent quite a bit of time chatting and doing business. It was just two women sharing their thoughts and enjoying each others company. Our time concluded with big smiles and a fond farewell.

My final stop was the grocery store. I had to pick up a few items. I was soon to be making lunch. I felt very comfortable walking the aisles, picking up certain things while carrying a purse. I was simply a woman doing her grocery shopping.

Although it was a little windy outside, I decided to get a photo taken of myself before heading home.

Being out and about, whether dressed fancy or plain, brings me great pleasure. We should all be ourselves.

Love to all of you,



18 Responses

  1. Jocelyn, nice post and glad you got out and about – it seems like you had a great time!

    The equivalent of the CAA/AAA here is the AA (Automobile Association), I think. However, never a good idea to admit to membership in case ‘AA’ is mistaken for Alcoholics Anonymous!

    1. Amanda,
      Thank you for commenting. It is always good to hear from you.

      It was good to get out and feel normal.

      AA will never be an option for me. I rarely drink alcohol. Although, when I enjoyed a few driving vacations in the UK (or is it GB) many decades ago, I did use AA maps.

      Love to you.


  2. Jocelyn,
    Glad you had the opportunity to get out ❤️. It’s so wonderful to just be you!

    1. Sherry,
      It is nice to get out, even to do simple errands around town.

      Thanks for your kind words.

      See you in February.


  3. Great post. Sounds like a perfect day. When I first retired I went to AAA and had them map out a cross country trip. One of my stops was Las Vegas, where I got a makeover and spent 3 days as Terri. I was gone a month, something I will always remember.

    1. Terri,
      Thank you for commenting. It was a perfect day.

      I joined CAA a few years ago. I thought since I was getting older, if I had car trouble far away from home I would need professional assistance.

      I like the CAA/AAA and their travel help. For you a cross country trip sounds great. And your three days in LV! WOW! “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”.


  4. Jocelyn,

    You are absolutelt correct…Nice little chat.. Running errands browsing the grocery ailses etc is so much a reflection of being a woman and throughing some pads or nylons in the basket and of course a perfumed Body wash tops it off. The slight click of my two inch sandals, jeans skirt and the slight bounce of my Girls captures it all.

    Marie Anne

    1. Marie Anne,
      Thank you for confirming the way we live. Grocery shopping is far from glamorous, but it is a simple activity that women like us can do. And still feel our best.

      I had bought some makeup at the grocery store, and when checking out the cashier said it would look good on me.

      Even though the day was very plain, I wanted some of our readers who may be shy about going out, that even simple activities can be rewarding. We don’t have to be beautifully dressed to express our femininity.


  5. Hi Jocelyn,
    It is a beautiful photo of you and the type of day you had is written all over your face, punctuated by that radiant smile ❤️. Since you make trips to Nova Scotia, I have a question for you….have you ever visited Hope For Wildlife? My wife and I love that show.
    You and I seem to be a lot alike. My boys raz me all the time about using stamps and mailing letters. Oh and I’m with you on thigh highs too. That’s all I ever wear. Thanks for your post girl and I’m so happy you were able to show the world the real you again .

    Trish ❤️

    1. Trish,
      Thank you so much for the very flattering comments. You make me blush!

      I don’t know that show “Hope for Wildlife”. What channel and when? NS is a great province to visit or live, just ask Michelle or Karyn. I’ll be there in September; alas, not as Jocelyn.

      I feel a letter, envelope and stamp are very traditional and classy. A dying art!

      Thigh highs; you certainly have the legs for them.

      Love to you my dear friend.


      1. Morning Jocelyn, out here in the west the show is on PBS. Hope started her wildlife rescue centre quite some time ago. I think they’re all reruns now. But we do still enjoy them a lot. Have a wonderful weekend girl.

        Trish ❤️

  6. Jocelyn,
    Never a bad idea to plan trips with paper maps I still don’t have Sat-Nav because I can stil read a map , besides electronic guidance can fail and send you places you don’t want to be especially as a female .

    It doesn’t really matter if it’s a whole day out or a quick dash in your case at least you are out as you prefer to be and your casual look is great .

    In the UK we have the AA ( Automobile Association ) and the RAC ( Royal Automoble Club ) both formed almost at the start of the first vehicles to take to the roads . Both offer roadside assistance to their members along with associated motoring needs , hotels , restaurants etc. can display star ratings from them depending on the quality of their services .

    1. Teresa,
      Thank you for your support. Any outing en femme is a good one.

      Thank you for the compliment, casual works for me.

      Paper map reading is becoming obsolete, hopefully it will last as long as you and I are still living.


  7. Jocelyn,

    Well and truly said. I am just back from a trip to a dog rescue resale shop. My interactions with the sales associate were like the one you describe with the CAA lady, except on our case we were both complaining about the heat!

    Enjoy your road trip. One of the best holidays I ever had with the family was in Nova Scotia. I would return in a heart beat.


    1. Lisa,
      Your continuing support is much appreciated. You are a special friend.

      The TV news tells me that your part of the world is very hot. Please look after yourself and family.

      I am really looking forward to driving to NS and seeing a number of friends. But none of it involves girl time. I would love to lunch with Michelle, but …..

      Be safe and cool.


  8. Jocelyn, it is so nice to be yourself. You look cute and blend in well. I know how enjoyable spending time as a woman can be so rewarding. So glad you enjoyed yourself.
    Love Julie

    1. Julie,
      So great to hear from you.

      Thank you for the very kind comments.

      It was enjoyable to get out again. I hope you get a chance for yourself soon.


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