By Jocelyn Johnson
Legs are designed for mobility, jumping or squatting; that’s it. But human culture over the millennia has also used legs for adornment and a means of attraction by both men and women.
I have always been interested in female looking legs since I was a teenager. I would watch TV sitcoms to see the legs of Mary Ann Summers, Samantha Stevens, Joanie Cunningham and Agent 99. The shows were amusing, but the real reason I watched was for the legs. I’m sure you know the names of those programs. And more recently Moira and Alexis Rose of Schitt’s Creek.
In a high school French class one year, I was seated next to a girl who wore a wide variety of stockings and pantyhose over the days. The colours, textures and stylings were many. I was interested to see if there was a pattern to her choices, so I actually documented what she had on day after day. As the months went by I determined that there was no pattern, just her whim each day.
On the internet a few days ago I discovered the word “crurophilia”; the love of or the erotic fixation on legs. I don’t think I have a fixation or love of legs, but I really appreciate a woman’s legs.

Most woman, cis and trans, have attractive legs. I think mine are OK looking, and I have been told I have fantastic legs, but I think that person was just being kind in saying so.
How do you define great legs? One criteria I have found is the “three diamond test”. When standing straight with legs together there should be three diamond shapes formed by the contours of the legs: between the ankles and the calf, between the calf and the knees, and between the knee and the upper thigh.
I only have one elongated diamond shape above the knee; so not that great. My calves are not sufficiently defined to make the diamond shapes above and below them. But my legs are long, which is another criteria for great legs.
And I do love putting on pantyhose or stay up stockings.
It is a shame that our culture has woman moving away from showing off their legs. When I am out it is usually wearing a skirt or a dress at knee length.
When I look at any woman I first look at their legs. I know most of us sisters like to show off our legs. What’s with that? It is because they are beautiful! Be proud, show the world how beautiful you are, and how feminine.
20 Responses
I’ve always felt my legs were my most feminine of my presentation
This time of year is my favorite because I can wear cute skirts or my shorts which I love the variety in ladies shorts.
Not to mention I can wear sandals and show off my painted toes.
So yes for me my legs are important
You hit me where it hurts on this one, as my legs are one the “tells” I have. My calves are ginormous and my knees are knobby; not a great combo! But, while I cannot flaunt my legs, I can do as cisgender women do and either (a) ignore the issue (what I do most of the time) or (b) camouflage the problem (by wearing skirts and dresses that are longer). Interestingly, my mum had big calves too (not as big as mine!), and those calves did help me be a very fast sprinter in my youth.
Anyway, I celebrate your own great legs and those of all other women who can justly be proud of them.
Keep showing the, off, because they look great!
Thanks Rachel.
Yes, female shorts are great, and in the summer they are a must. We all have to show the world our legs when weather permits.
Well isn’t this funny Lisa! When I look at your picture in Kandi’s Land Contributors I see a woman with shapely legs. I wish I had shapelier legs like yours. Maybe we should combine my skinny calves with your “ginormous” (your word) calves and we would have the perfect legs.
Thank you for saying mine are “great”.
Let’s agree that we both look great and let’s keep showing off and being proud of our looks.
Your legs are very nice. I am similar to you and have always been attracted to female legs. When out dressed I always have to be careful not to be distracted by the seemingly dwindling number of real girls who actually display their legs. I much prefer legs adorned with hosiery and always think the celebrities at red carpet events would look better wearing pantyhose.
Thank you Brenda for the compliment.
I agree with you about pantyhose making legs look better.
I might be going out on a limb here ! Sorry about the pun but the point I wish to make is many women struggle with the shape of their legs , for many wearing trousers is a gift from heaven .
Some of the conversations in my painting group are quite amusing and enlightening , most of them are ladies and the majority agreed that they hated wearing tights ( pantihose to the other side of the pond ) . A high percentage won’t even consider wearing heels .
I recall sometime ago sitting by the glow of a log fire and seeing the sheen on my stockinged legs , I admit I also had a thing about seeing the view down when driving while wearing stockings . I’m not sure about my diamonds but I feel my legs aren’t bad , one thing for sure we can’t cahnge them .
Thank you for your nice comments. I understand that most cis women prefer trousers. And everyone is free to choose what attire to wear. But I also think most women are overly critical regarding their own appearance.
Like I said, and you agree, for us wearing pantyhose is a pleasure and it enhances how we look. It’s our choice, and why not!
That’s what great about being a woman; an infinite choice of clothes to put on.
Have fun and be you.
Not sure how I missed leaving a comment first time round on this one, particularly as I have to confess to being a bit of a crurophile myself! It was a fascination with those ‘grown up’ looking girls who wore ‘nylons’ in primary school that sent me off down the slippery slope to where I am today. And since this comment seems to have turned into a confessional, I’ll admit to many a furtive glance at those women who are prepared to show off their legs – particularly if said legs have been reshaped to perfection by a pair of heels!
I think I need a lie down to recover from all of those thoughts now but this was a great post and deservedly one of the most popular on the site!
Great to hear from you. Thank you for the insightful comments.
I still don’t understand why women’s legs are so fascinating to look at. How a woman shows off her legs tells a lot about her. Of course during summer months it is usually shorts for cooling.
I know wearing pantyhose or stockings is becoming less fashionable, but I believe they really emphasize the beauty of legs.
Even in my advanced age I will always appreciate lady’s legs, and I will continue to wear stay-up stockings.
From one crurophile to another.
Legs Legs Legs….
I guess I’m a modern woman. Although, I have many stockings and pantyhose, I almost never wear them. (I think once or twice in the last decade.) My legs are waxed, after about 10 years of waxing and with age, the hairs on my legs are either gone or thin and light color. I use to have massive calves. My track friends (thoe who ran track in high school) were always jealous of their size. But then one tore, a 3 inch by 5 inch tear. Thus one calf has a valley running up the leg. I need to tape my legs when they bark at me for various reasons.
I wear shorts most of the summer and heels so my legs are always on display. I take good care of the legs, they’re the only pair I have.
It sounds like you know how to look after your legs. From the few photos I’ve seen of you, they look great.
Clean legs without hosiery is a good look, but I do prefer wearing something on them, and the colour choices are extensive.
You go girl with your shorts and heels.
Hi Jocelyn, this post is right up my alley girl. I too love female legs and always have. I think it’s best, sexiest part of a women. And I live by “if you got it, flaunt it”. Which is why I wear the clothes I do. I may be the only one who thinks I “got it” but I’m the only one I need to please.
I’ve never dissected the reason for my love of female male legs or what type I like and why. But the triangle thing is interesting. I just look at them in the whole picture and decide if they’re sexy or not….. to me.
I totally agree with you about thigh high stockings. To me they just exude sexiness and they’re much easier to put on than panty hose especially since my accident. The photos of your are as pretty as ever and I must say you have nice legs. You should show off more of them though 🥰
Trish ❤️
You have the greatest legs I have ever seen. And you do flaunt them. Long and shapely!
We both love the feel of sliding stockings up our legs. Like you, I do prefer thigh highs.
Thank you for the kind compliment. Coming from you, the Queen-of-legs, means a lot.
I’ll be able to do a lot of leg showing off in a few months. I can’t wait to slip on coloured hose, heels and a skirt.
Lots of love to you.
Nothing beats a great pair of legs… especially when they’re in a pair of pantyhose or tights! It was my fascination with the look of legs in hosiery as a youngster that inevitably led to a lifetime of wearing hosiery, always wishing I could have the long, lean, smooth, and silky legs I adore:)
Thank you so much for your thoughts.
I think you and I have the same feelings about legs and pantyhose/thigh highs.
Any legs covered in hosiery look great.
Love the feel Elise,
This was enjoyable to read and thank you for sharing. Though I don’t think about it too much I have always admired nice feminine legs too. I can’t say whether mine look good or not as I have so few pictures that are not in long dresses or skirts. I have taken a few in shorter outfits but never without pantyhose. I just love the feeling of wearing them and wouldn’t consider myself dressed without them. But now that you’ve shared this and seeing the other comments, I really wonder if my legs looked feminine or sexy as some would put it. I’m a harsh critic of myself but I’ll have to pay more attention to that and see if they’re at all feminine. And if as you said Jocelyn that all legs look great in hosiery, then maybe I have nothing to worry about as it’s unlikely anyone will ever see me wearing a dress without also wearing tights.
I am so glad you enjoyed this post. Talking about female legs and stockings is always intriguing.
I know my legs look better with stockings, and it sounds like you think the same about your legs. Today’s modern women don’t like wearing hosiery because it implies their legs do not look good unless enhanced by stockings. But I think all feminine legs look great, covered or not.
Please let the world see what you have Elizabeth. Don’t be overly critical of yourself, in any way.
Thanks for your thoughts.
The right hose can really complete an outfit as well as the woman. I had the pleasure this last week to be on-site at a client office with a 40-50 year old lady in charge. Every day she wore a business skirt, suit or dress the was both classy and stylish. She stood out among all the other woman who wore a collection of leggings, jeans and slacks. With a single look you could tell who was the boss. She appeared to wear nude 5-10 denier hose which gave her legs that shiney and smooth look without any hint of hose.
She was a great mentor, even if she never knows!
I totally agree with you, a woman well dressed clearly shows the world who is in charge. And any type of high quality hose is the “icing on the cake”.
Thank you so much for reading and commenting on this post.