Dee three (of five) of my Las Vegas adventure.

My Wednes-Dee morning activity of choice was Pickleball, a favorite of Kan-Dee’s and rapidly growing in popularity in the US. Pickleball has similar rules to tennis and is played on a smaller court with paddles and a plastic ball.
I had originally signed up to play, then decided against when I found out the location was off the strip, but changed back to playing once I arranged a ride. As I wasn’t planning to play when I packed, I didn’t have a real Pickleball outfit, so I just went with my Top Golf outfit. The location was a downtown hotel that had installed about twelve courts on the fifth floor next to their pool (the twelve courts a testament to the growing popularity).
We had about a dozen attending, split about equally between those who had played before (like me) and newbies. Part of the time was playing and part was explaining the rules and scoring. Winning and losing was secondary to learning, playing, and enjoying (plus meeting some new attendees). We played two hours and then returned to the LINQ.
Once again, afternoon meant pool time. Today’s swimsuit was one I borrowed from my GG friend Michelle. As I mentioned in the Mon-Dee post, her older daughter’s best friend had recently lost her life in a auto accident, and I thought her seeing me in her swimsuit might cheer her up a bit. My plan was to walk next door to the Flamingo hotel pool, but by the time I got there it was closed for a private event, so I just returned to the pool at the LINQ. This time, instead of golf scores, I just pulled out a math puzzle magazine and killed the time poolside doing them.
The pool closed at five, so I had some time to kill. I changed into a favored summer halter dress and walked to Sephora and MAC to buy some replacement cosmetics (brow powder and foundation powder, respectively). Upon return I dressed up snazzier with a favorite Ted Baker dress for dinner at Carmine’s, across the street in the Caesars’ complex.

The body count at Carmine’s was approximately a baker’s dozen and I was fortunate to sit next to Megan and her fiancée L. Megan was wearing (meaning rocking) a fabulous dress and amid complements from me, Megan explained her story of meeting L. Seven years prior, while at Dee-Va Las Vegas, she was dancing at a club, bumped into L (literally), and L bought Megan a shot. They were both coming out of previous marriages, and didn’t think anything about meeting.
Until they did. Despite having a long distance relationship (roughly 1,800 miles, which is virtually next door compared to my St. Louis to Melbourne LDR with my eventual wife), they have made it work. Megan told me she had one obstacle already out of the way, because she was dressed when they met. L told me she was fascinated by Megan’s eyes, and from the looks I saw, she still is.
Also at my table were Ivy and Tiger, by way of Maine and Albuquerque, trying to rehab homes in both places (I guess having a crossdressing husband is a minor issue compared to rehabbing two different places three thousand miles apart). While we were comparing stories, they mentioned they were Air Force, and they were stationed at the base near me, and they actually lived in my hometown for three years.

After dinner I walked back to the LINQ with Ivy and Tiger, and I noted that walking back to the hotel in heels was almost harder than the 10K I had run the prior Sunday morning. But I managed to make it back and had time to get ready for the nightcap, but that part will need to wait until next week.
Trust me, I think you’ll enjoy it (that’s called the tease).