The Endless Struggle


It has never gotten easy for me. Maybe I should say, it never gets simple. I have always said (while acknowledging shit happens), I would prefer a simpler life to my layered and complex life. Much of that has nothing to do with gender, much of it has everything to do with it. Each and every one of our lives has issues: family, both the ones we grew up in and they ones we helped create; health, ours and those of loved ones; jobs, we all have bills to pay (at least most of us); mistakes made; great and bad decisions we make; circumstances; on and on and on…

Then yesterday I got a serious gut punch, basically lost the job I saw as my salvation, completely out of left field. Something I was getting better and better at and really enjoyed. Plus it did not require physical labor, which is becoming more and more difficult. This other endless struggle continues and will do so until it kills me, which it eventually will. But back to the focus of this blog and this post.

Yes, I can easily put myself together. Yes, I can very easily walk out the door and interact with society. Yes, I can smile, revel in the joy of being female. But I am still deeply effected by the push and pull. Every day of my life, every day, and frankly having this blog does not allow me to forget things for a while (my choice, my decision). Except on the days I get to be consumed by something else mentally (the best possible kind of day I can have), it is there. Front of mind or lurking in the background, always there. All of this even though I have accepted who and what I am.

See that piece of clothing above, hanging out of a drawer (not mine, just a great picture)? What is it about that? Some of my earliest memories are of sitting in church or at school and specifically noticing a girls bra showing through her white blouse. Noticing every detail. Selecting a specific pew knowing I can look at a certain young lady’s back. The shape, the band width, different styles. Bands showing, slumping off a shoulder, pretty or plain, white, black or another color. Why did she pick that one? Did she even consider anything other than reaching into the drawer? Wanting that to be what my back looked like.

To this day, my undergarment selection is a big part of my presentation, even if 99.99999% of the decision is only seen by me. I always want to emulate a woman. That means, when possible, I want to wear clothing made for a woman (not made for a CD or TG). I try to wear no additional padding (except when enhancing my cleavage, and even then I take it easy).

It has never been about big breasts or cleavage when I see a woman. It is always about presentation for me. How she choses to display or not, her breasts. They never really have had a sexual connotation to me, they were and are a statement of womanhood. Proud, one of the most beautiful things in life. Life affirming. I look at mine, often indistinguishable from those of a genetic woman in the right circumstances, and it is a gift. A treasure.

I have, and I am not exaggerating, easily owned well over probably 250 bras. I currently own about 40, so I don’t think I am being hyperbolic. But now, they are MINE. Now they (dependent upon the style and fit) serve their intended purpose. That fills me with joy and it also fills my mind. Except when I am out dressed, when I am wearing a bra (often, particularly in the winter, presenting male or female), I am cognizant of it.

On this day, while many of you are reading this, I am in bliss. I am celebrating my femininity. I am doing a boudoir shoot. I am getting hair and makeup. Then I have a 30 minute shoot and get 10 pictures out of it (I am trying not to invest WAY too much money). The photographer was referred by a friend. She has multiple sets for us to do the shoots, including a bed. I will allow myself to me vulnerable. I will be proud. I want to create art, I want to be sensual. I will not be shy. I want to be a girl…

A bit if a mind dump here, forgive me. Let’s see what happens.


12 Responses

  1. Kandi,
    Enjoy your boudoir photo shoot. I can’t think of a more beautiful woman. You’ll look so feminine and sexy.

    Your paragraph in italics scares me. You lost the apparel job?????


  2. Kandi,
    I hope the photography goes well , a small compensation for the loss of you job but enjoy all the same .

    I agree with your comments on breast sizing , of course I wish I was more gifted to naturally fill a bra , at least half is actually me . Otherwise I don’t use any padding , on a daily basis it wouldn’t be practical , women come in all shapes and sizes I fit in there somewhere .

    I admit I’m now very practical with my underwear , I have to put comfort before looks , sexy underwear is lovely to own and wear occasionally , I would guess most women have somethings in their drawers that hardly see the light of day .

  3. KANDI,

    Sorry about the JOB. A real shame to lose one that you enjoy. Have no fear Another will another come on down the trail.

    Never give up.


  4. Thank you for sharing this Kandi. It highlights many of the character traits that make me love you so much, not just as a woman but as friend and mentor. The vulnerability of life, the humility and the strength to carry on even when life sometimes feels too tough to bear. I do believe when one door closes another one will open up. I hope you enjoy the boudoir shoot to the fullest.

    Love, Liz

  5. Kandi,
    Three weeks ago I had my ‘time’ reduced by 60%. Nothing I could do. I decided not to get stress about it (stress is a major medical issue for me) and let life go on. So two weeks ago I went skiing. While on the ski slope my time was restored. I got lucky? (Down side, I had a few trips in the planing stage that I can’t do now.)
    Enjoy your day and the boudoir shoot. And let’s hope things will ‘correct’ themselves.
    Stay Strong.

    BTW: I think I currently have about 40 bras and corsets too. LOL

  6. Hang in there Kandi. You’re a resilient sort, things will get better.

    As for bras, I wear one with my forms virtually 24/7. Wear one every day and sleep in one with forms every night. They only come off to shower or wash up. But no matter how often I do it, it still gives me a femininity boost every time. Never gets old.

    Be well,


  7. Hi Kandi , truly sorry to hear about your job. Thanks for sharing this, I haven had a lot of experience with bra’s or lingerie, although i would love to explore both so much more. I hope you enjoyed your photo shoot. I would love to do that one day. Nothing feels better than being able to express one’s feminine identity. Even something as simple as putting on a skirt can can be enough some days. Sending lots love and best wishes your way my dear friend 🥰❤️

  8. I know life has its ups and downs. I am sorry you lost that job. I know how enjoyable a photo shoot is and how much we all enjoy being a woman. Like you, I always try to be as natural as I can be. It is also so nice to feel comfortable in who you are. I can see that in all your pictures. I wish you all the best Kandi, and thank you so much for having me as part of this lovely community of girls.

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