On The Job


I had a full few days. September 10, 2024 I attended a networking event for the International Live Events Association (I am a member). It was held at Saucy Brew Works in Cleveland’s Hingetown area (only probably Sherry will get this). I hit a mall beforehand, simply (still a decade in) enjoying being a girl. The event itself was productive and great fun! As I know, as I have always said, I am always noticed in any room or space I am in, and almost always positively so.

Funny story, as I was walking to my car which was parked on a city street, a walked past some type of transportation van. I thought nothing of it and then the driver, whose passenger side window was down said “Hey sexy, how about giving me your number?”. I was not expecting that, but laughed and said we both know that isn’t happening. He laughed and drive off, I headed home.

Great outfit, many compliments.

Heaven and hell. The first event that I was intimately involved in arranging, my first event as a paid event planner. The event, a great success. The process, agony. We (the company I work for) still have PTSD from the experience. I won’t dwell on the negative here, but will celebrate my evening, which I kinda killed it… I have equated it to what I can only imagine is like giving birth, great discomfort for a very long period of time, resulting in something very wonderful. But the process is scarring.

September 11, 2024, Strawberry Fields Forever. I was on site from 3:00 to about 10:00. My responsibilities were managing the volunteers and running the seating in the dining room. There were always issues but I think we did a great job. I really won’t bore you all with how the sausage was made, but will simply share some pictures in an outfit that I put a great deal of thought into and I believe, despite being as plump as I am, I sort of pulled off. At least I got a lot of love for my efforts. My flaws are so obvious in these photos but I had a job to do.

I put together a dream team of personal friends that I could trust (all fellow serial volunteers) that had my back all night. Here are two of them and me, proving that I should never, ever take a photo in profile.

There was one more work day after these, but we’ll put that one in the can for next week…


8 Responses

  1. How do they say it, “living the dream life.”
    Thank you for sharing. Every picture, every story is such an encouragement.

  2. Kandi, your outfits are always fabulous and stylish. I adore the skirt from your first day, and the floral dress is lovely. We are our own worst critics about our looks, but rest assured that you are still beautiful!

  3. Kandi,
    Very few of us can claim to be perfect , we just have to play the cards we’re dealt and get on with enjoying life . I guess the problem with the floral dress was the bow detail on the waist stopped the natural flow of the dress , without it the dress would have skimmed over your body . Can’t you tell I’ve been reading women’s fashion sections but I now know what they mean by a garment skimming , along with other fashion cheats !

  4. Just another day in Kandi’s land for sure
    That red dress looks kinda retro, not sure if that’s the look you wanted but quite cute.
    Oh and Kandi being hit on my oh my

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