AKA December 28, 2024. The nexus of opportunity in terms of free time; my wife working (I do go out when she is off, but prefer not to do so); finding something to do that is public, interactive and not too expensive; and the itch in a BIG WAY to have a girl day. I cleared the decks, pulled together an outfit inspired by a young lady I saw at Christmas Mass, and went all-in. Every detail was considered, skirt length, tights, boots, the right classy but sexy blouse, a great overcoat, the exact right purse and all the accessories, including just the right lippy!

I spent far too much time figuring out where to go and what to do. I wanted to shop post-Christmas sales (but with no desire to buy, just enjoying the process of a woman shopping). I needed to have dinner. I didn’t want to hang with anyone, preferring a solo flight, but definitely wanted to interact with people. And I didn’t want to spend a fortune. I considered two events at Playhouse Square. The only mall that appealed to me was on the west side of Cleveland (one previous favorite was closed the day after Christmas because of multiple fights (seems like a social media driven attack on the mall, better safe than sorry). Drag bingo (I know the emcee)? The Cuyahoga Falls area (where Chynna and I recently went, as well as Sherry and ( a few months back). Too mainstream? I decided to just get ready and let whatever happen, happen.

Long story short, after friends from out of town reached out to get together, with no notice they were in town (potentially canceling my plans), I was able to schedule another day with them and go out as planned. But the frustration of lengthy text conversations with multiple people, also the frustration of doing so with my pickleball partner in an upcoming tournament (can’t wait to actually play and then be free of other people’s schedules) as well as two and a half hours of pickleball left me tired (on top of always being tired anyway). So, I simply took my time, put myself together and after the photoshoot you see here, hit the mall and grabbed dinner. Just get out, be seen, keep it simple stupid. Maybe a bit over four hours out the door and then back in the garage.
No great stories, but I did have quite a bit of fun at Forever 21 and their $5 clearance sale. I interacted with other ladies and a few loved the dress I ended up getting, along with a sensible blouse that I could also wear under a sweater in male mode. I accomplished what I wanted to, I walked extensively throughout the mall, browsing lingerie, dresses and the like and I had a meal at a fairly crowded bar. Glad I did this and am THRILLED with these pics! Plus I was able to get home a bit after my wife returned from work so we were able to watch something together on TV before she dozed off from exhaustion. Not a bad day…

Temperatures were in the low 60’s, so the overcoat above never saw the general public, but that allowed me to walk through the mall as you see me here.
12 Responses
Good Morning Kandi,
Your outfit presented in this post is absolutely perfect and you look fantastic and sparkly. Your presentation says ‘holiday cheer.’ I have to add that this is just my kind of outfit too. Skirts and tops with tights and ankle boots are my favorite and most frequent cold weather go to look.
I also have to say that I, and I am sure many others, share your thoughts and feelings about the complexities of making arrangements with others to do things together. I am an extrovert and love to interact with people but Whew! It is often a relief to be able to go around on your own doing nothing important but having a good time doing it. The ‘zen’ of nothing it might be called. There is good research to show that being able to have ‘nothing’ time in your life is very, very good for a person. When combined with a nice skirt & top & boots & tights it really makes a person shine, inside and out.
Have a good New Year’s Eve (I’ll be in bed by 10pm however!).
Best to you and yours,
Marissa in Ohio
I may well steal “Zen of nothing”! 😊
I know the feeling !
It’s about 10 degrees colder here but I just wanted to be out in the sunshine and I’m also tired of wearing trousers but where to go ?
I chose a knee length grey patterned pencil skirt with a smart blouse and neat B/W cardigan and with a cream trench coat and black heeled boots . I did have a mission as I wanted to check out the charity shops for winter skirts and dresses to wear for everyday . It’s lovely not to be in a hurry so you can find time to chat to people . I struck lucky on a M&S long sleeved striped dress £6.50 ( $7.25 ? ) and a M&S navy skirt £1.00 and a cute little handbag for my granddaughter . I also found time to drop in to my local travel agent as the are holding a holiday presentation at a local hotel at the end of January so I booked my place . I didn’t stop for lunch instead I headed home to check the fit of my items, which were perfect and then I usually rinse the items through to freshen them up .
I loved your blouse and and the matching coat , nice touch .
Thank you dear!
You look beautiful as always, glad you had a wonderful time!
And expect to do so again this Friday except with BFF! ❤️
Kandi, as always, your look is fabulous. The red blouse (and coat) make you festive without being overly schmaltzy. The short skirt and tights is a great approach for a late December day, even at 60 degrees! Nothing wrong with just being for a day, no real plans or events.
Amen sister! Happy New Year my friend!
Hi Kandi,
I must say you look so pretty in thst outfit fit. It must be the mini skirt. You don’t wear them often enough. You have gorgeous legs and you should show them off…a lot. 😊 Wishing you a healthy happy New Year and hope all your wishes and dreams come true.
Thank you my great friend! There are a lot of things I don’t wear often enough….
As always Kandi super cute and perfect for any women out and about
Yes days where you just want to get your girl are not as often as one would like but yes we do make time because it’s who we are.
I hope you have a great New Year my friend
Hugs to you
Thank you Rach and I always appreciate you!!