May As Well…

Place after place, a great day!

I had planned a long day on July 15, 2022, capped by an improv jam. I haven’t exercised that muscle in quite some time. But recent events had me considering just scrapping the whole day and sitting at home, bottle in hand, feeling sorry for myself. F’ it! I dusted myself off, put on my big girl panties and proceed with my plans!

After some morning pickleball and a workout, I got ready and headed to my stylist. I was long overdue for a haircut and this was the third cut since I decided to have her give me a more feminine cut. It continues to be a work in process as my hair grows and she shapes it appropriately.

After she finished me off, I headed to Chagrin Falls, a nearby scenic little town. There I picked up a few items needed for the house and did my photoshoot.

Then I headed across town and set up camp at a bar/restaurant called Ninja City, which is the establishment that treated me so well when I worked Queer Prom. I sat and I wrote and wrote and drank and ate and wrote and wrote. It was just a pleasurable few hours for me.

Then over to the mall where my acting school is located, where the improv jam was being held. I had to make a return for my wife at Forever 21, so of course I shopped. They continue to have a clearance BOGO sale and I picked up an adorable t-shirt and another too-young-for-me dress.

Finally, it was improv time. I got to see some friends, made some new friends and we played improv games for two hours. I was so rusty, but had a blast! Then afterward, a few of us retired to the local brew pub and had a few, talked and got to know each other. Glad I went out and I felt very comfortable with my natural hair all day.


4 Responses

  1. Your last sentance says it all , ” glad I went out !” How many times have we pushed ourselves to make the effort ? and how many times have we said , ” Glad I did it ” . I wonder if you’d asked the group afterwards while having a beer who pushed themselves to join the game what would their answers be ? I had to give myself a little push this morning , I was having a new patio door fitted and I didn’t know what time they were booked for . So just before 7.00am I showered , shaved applied my makeup and dressed and had breakfast . They eventually arrived just after 9.00 am so I greeted them , exchanged names and made them a pot of tea . While they removed my old door and fitted to new one I deadheaded my roses and sprayed them as they showing early signs of blackspot and rust , in between there were a few conversations and amusing stories .

    Just to add a footnote , I find the situation between finishing my shower and applying makeup slightly stressful as I don’t want to be caught out in between . So I find it a very bold move by you to dispense with your wig and have your own hair styled , I have to accept it will never happen for me .

  2. You look like any normal women with a cute short hair style to me.
    I did much the same a few years ago with my own hair but the age of thinning has now made it impossible for me to really style it well anymore
    I can make it look sorta ok but I’m never really happy with it.
    Love that cute simple outfit too.

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