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The word is AVERAGE.  Why live an AVERAGE life when I can choose to strive to impact others and live a life of contribution.

I can choose to live an ordinary or extraordinary, average or exceptional life.  It’s an easy choice… or is it.

I know two types of people: an ordinary person and an extraordinary one. I know the regular person allows fear to rule their life while the outstanding person chooses to live outside fear.

Many choose the easy way of average or dare I say a mediocre life because it’s the easy path most trodden upon.  It’s the smoothest due to the well packed soil of millions of others that took the easy route.  Have they become afraid of their potential and having to live up to it?  I think only they can come to that realization.

That’s why I choose to live outside of fear by thinking positively.  Then moving my thoughts to action to get my desired results.


I am always amazed when I catch myself thinking negatively. It sneaks its way into my life in subtle seductive ways or occasionally by sudden impact.  But I’m quick to catch it and send it on its way.


Although I find it easy to dwell on negativity, I find it feels unsatisfying. Thus, when I notice negative thoughts, I gently remind myself that I can think positively. I commit to positive thinking because the negative never goes away forever.  It’s a constant fight for territory and dominance in my spirit.

I tell myself that I DESERVE to live in love and joy.


I’m the sum total of my choices up until now.  My thoughts become my reality regardless of their size. My choices are my life. So, I choose to see my life as happy. I choose to be satisfied.

When I choose to be happy, I experience joy. Joy radiates out to the people around me like a beacon.  They can feel my glow even before I speak and they’re glad I’m in their presence because I energize them. I feel alive and abundant.


That is my normal state. This is my way of being. I allow my mind to dwell in joy. I live in appreciation of my life. I celebrate each day that I am alive.

I choose to live in joy. I am grateful for my existence and aware of all the wonders of creation.

In conclusion, I honor my life and those I meet, family, friends, coworkers and community. I thank them for sharing my journey. I share gratitude through my actions. And I practice loving-kindness and compassion in my daily interactions.

I hope this piece has blessed you today.

Be Strong 💪 
Gwen Patrone 


Get a daily dose of Gwen…www.GwenPatrone.com


One Response

  1. Gwen,
    Perhaps we shouldn’t read to book by it’s cover and make assumptions about other people . Very few people are average it’s sometimes the case they choose not to talk about their lives but I’m often amazed when I do get into conversations about what they have achieved . Going back a few years through the local chamber of trade I got to know a very quite guy who ran a small TV and radio shop , I thought he was just a MR AVERAGE until I discovered he had climbed some ot he more difficult mountains in Europe . His wife appeared to be a quite frail lady until one New Year she appeared riding round the village in a friend’s armoured car , aparently she often took part in similar events .

    I know what it’s like to be stuck in black hole with no apparent way out , depression can suddenly hit without warning many transgender people have to dig deep at times and sometimes only with professional help to find a way out . I don’t believe it’s possible to live on a high all the time , which is an important point otherwise we don’t appreciate the really good days when they come along .

    There are parts of most people’s lives that are harder to deal with but we can’t totally ignore them , they don’t go away through ignorance nor should we want them to . It does hurt me at times that I don’t see my grandsons more , I’m not in a situation where I can take total control , am I guilty of allowing others to take that control from me ? While I admit I feel guilty and hurt I also believe they could feel guilty and possibly hurt by their actions , the real losers are my grandsons , I do wonder when they’re older who they will most upset with .

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