By Tina Davis
A prime opportunity for Tina to get out arose when my wife decided to travel early to help our daughter move into a new apartment. Originally, she would have left on July 30 and I would join her on the evening of August 2, giving me 3 ½ days for adventures. However, one of her doctors, who was performing a small sinus procedure the week before, did not want her traveling that soon as she recovered. So she changed her flights to leave on August 1 instead. I didn’t have the extra vacation time to take during that week, as my calendar is filled for the rest of this month with other events at which I am volunteering.
Now with 1 ½ days, my planning had to be condensed and reduced. I didn’t have time for a makeover or a full manicure and pedicure, but I was determined to get out both days. Throwing a monkey wrench into the situation was that I had taken advantage of a summer sale at Venus and ordered three new dresses, expecting them to arrive on July 31. I couldn’t cancel the order when my wife changed her flight, so I had to be hyper-aware of when the package arrived. I was able to grab it from the front step when getting the mail as she was using our laptop in the dining room. I took the package back upstairs to our home office, where I was working from home that day. I opened it to check on the dresses and then stored it in the closet that hides my wardrobe.

Since my wife doesn’t drive, I took her to Logan Airport early on the morning of August 1, 2024. After fighting the rush hour traffic home, I decided to call in sick rather than attempt to do any work. I went to the closet and pulled out all the duffel bags that I use to store my clothes and shoes. I needed to decide on what items were going into the donation bag, as I am trying to keep the size of my stash at the same amount of space. There were a couple of dresses and a skirt that I knew were going, but I tried on a couple more things to confirm they still fit and looked okay. I also tried on the new dresses and was very happy with them. I chose the navy dress to wear for dinner later, but I felt it needed a belt. No pictures yet, as I hadn’t put on my makeup or wig, just the appropriate unmentionables and padding.
I searched for another nail salon to get a manicure and found a local one with good reviews. I made an appointment for later in the afternoon, then got in the shower and shaved everywhere – it had been quite a while for some places! I slathered on some lotion and moisturizer and let that dry while I chose the sleeveless top I would wear with a denim skirt. This striped top hides my belly and the shapewear I use for holding hip pads, and it is comfortable. I had recently bought these white espadrille wedge sandals as a belated birthday present to myself. After applying some daytime makeup and arranging my wig, I decided to paint my toenails myself, using a darker pink polish my wife has. While they dried, I ate a light lunch and then set up my tripod for some pictures.
Before my nail appointment, I wanted to visit a large thrift store in my city. I had seen the extensive racks when picking up my sandals at the Amazon locker in the store, and I was very interested in browsing for deals. I found a belt that would work with the dress for dinner, then I started looking at dresses. Nothing excited me there, nor did I see any shoes I liked. I thumbed through the racks of dress pants but again came up empty. Finally, I found a rack of skirts and came up with three possibilities, so I made my way over to the changing rooms. The monitor asked for the number of items, then unlocked a door for me. The first skirt I tried didn’t go past my hips, but the other two fit perfectly and looked great. The blue one had its original tag at $78, and I was very happy to get it at $12.

I had a short chat with the cashier while completing the transaction, she liked the print skirt I was buying. As I was leaving the store, I decided to go into the supermarket at the other end of the plaza and use the women’s room. As always, I had no issues, even when a young mother with three small children came in and I emerged from the stall. I smiled and washed my hands, then went to buy some shredded cheese and a carton of orange juice. I brought my purchases home and put them away, leaving the belt hanging with the navy dress for later.
I parked my car in a municipal lot on a side street close to the nail salon. The summer heat and humidity was quite daunting but I enjoyed the short walk. Entering the salon, I was greeted and asked to select a color for my nails. I had wanted a brighter blue for something different, plus it was close enough to the color in the transgender flag. As I sat down, the nail tech said she liked my hair. I smiled broadly and thanked her for the compliment. The blue looked fabulous, and I gave her a good tip. Once I got home, I fed the cats and went upstairs to change. I wiped off the daytime makeup and looked through my wife’s large selection of rings, bracelets, and necklaces for items to go with my outfit. I found this ring and hinged bracelet, along with a pendant necklace, all in silver. After the evening makeup had been applied, it was time for more pictures!

Just then, my wife called and I talked with her for 30 minutes. This was a delay in going to the restaurant, as it was already 8:15, but I was patient and finished the call. She said she would not call later, for which I was very grateful. I still needed to take pictures of the other two new dresses after I got home! I snapped a few more of the navy dress, then headed out the door to the restaurant.

I sat at the bar in the restaurant, one of the female bartenders brought a menu, and I ordered a glass of wine and a rice bowl. As it was getting close to closing time, they were trying to clean as well as serve the remaining customers. Easy conversation flowed, and I joined in a few times. After starting my second glass of wine, another customer asked me where the restrooms were, and I had to say that I didn’t know. It turns out they were at the entrance, which was good as I would need to use it as well. I paid my bill, carefully walked to the women’s room, and did my business. I applied a fresh coat of lipstick, thanked the hostess, and drove home.
Next time, I’ll show you the other dresses from Venus in a late-night photo shoot, and talk about the next day in both female and male modes.
9 Responses
Love the dress, glad you were able to get out and have a good time!
Thank you Sherry, the dress was very comfortable. I was initially concerned about the stiletto sandals as I hadn’t worn them in a while, but found I could walk in them without any issues. The bartender liked my polish color too!
Thank you Marie, I just wish I had more opportunities to get out rather than cramming all of this into a day.
Sounds like a lovely time and you look great.
Always nice to get out an about and get that girl time
Absolutely! Thanks Rachael!
I know all about the panic that sets in when a supposedly safe delivery slot becomes an impending catastrophe thanks to changed spousal plans!
Even so, it was definitely worth the jeopardy in your case as that dress looks fabulous! Glad you had a nice evening.
Thank you Amanda, I felt really good wearing the navy dress out for dinner.
I was a bit panicky the previous day after trying (and failing) to change the delivery date. Since the postal service was making the final delivery, I kept watch for the mail truck on our street all afternoon. I breathed a big sigh of relief once I had the package upstairs!
Wow, you look lovely Tina. This post is so relatable even though I don’t have a wife. I still live with family that are unaware of this side of me. Never went out to a restaurant or used the ladies room en femme but have been shopping and out in public places a number of times since being introduced to Kandi’s land.
But like you, every time I buy another dress or other feminine items, I have to get rid of something else in order to keep my wardrobe small and inconspicuous. However, there are a few dresses I love too much to ever get rid of. And like Amanda in a previous post made reference too, hide things away if necessary but have enough presence of mind and wisdom to not purge it all, when you know you’ll just start all over again when those urges come upon you. Thank you for sharing. I learn so much from the wonderful ladies here.