The moon, sun and all the planets aligned and I was able to go out with Sherry!! I made a concession in how I usually go out as I agreed to be out after midnight. There was some yawning, but a great time was had. Not sure I could do that often, but once in a while it is great fun.
The dress was purchased the prior day for $3. It is a LulaRow dress. I adore these dresses, which we will address in a future post. I went with the dress because it was cute, I loved the colors, the girls were on full display and I just thought it suited me well.
Our evening started at P.F. Chang’s on August 13, 2021, the year of Sherry. I beat a torrential downpour in the door by seconds and Sher got stuck waiting it out in the parking lot. Once she arrived, we girls had a lovely dinner. People all about, no one cared or noticed us much at all.

We then headed to Square, a gay nightclub, where we had been before. We both have had memorable nights there. This day, not so much…….. Just nothing clicking so we headed to another nightclub. Once there, it too was pretty dead and then started to fill up with Hispanic folks. While there is nothing wrong with Hispanics, when you are the only gringos in the place, it’s time to move on.
Our next and final stop was very close at Jilly’s Music Club, where we had a great time. They had a cover band playing and we had wonderful interactions with two couples at the bar as well as with many of the employees. My favorite part of the evening was talking with these couples. They had been there after seeing Rob Schneider. They informed us they traveled two hours to see him, to which I responded I wouldn’t walk to the end of my driveway to see him. We joked back and forth about a bunch of stuff.
Sher and I ended up closing the place. The staff did shots with us (they wanted to do so, not me), I exchanged hugs with a few of them and one walked me to my car to make sure I got there safely. That felt really nice, I will say.
I was exhausted when I got home, but after five whole hours of sleep, I shook off the cobwebs and had a full morning playing pickleball and cutting the lawn, still smiling from the fun we had. Thanks girl!!

This is why I do what I do: The following is from an anonymous reader:
“As I sat surfing a few pages, I found myself on your site. I had just berated myself for being in poor shape, wishing I could finally lose some weight.
I thought I could use my cross dressing as a motivator to finally trim my waistline and improve my overall health and look good as a woman. I read your story and you inspired me!
I explored your site and of course found my story to be very similar to yours and your contributors. I hope it’s ok to occasionally comment and visit the site. I appreciate how tasteful everything is done.”
Makes me proud. Just sayin’!
There are no excuses. If you saw me before there was a Kandi, you would never know that I could get to this point. If you knew how little I know about technology, then you would be surprised Kandi’s Land even exists. Find a way!
Update: Last week I completed a 16+ hour day on the set of a Netflix movie where I will definitely be (very briefly) on screen and am within a few feet of one of the stars. This is my second movie, I am scheduled to be in a third, am also walking the runway in a local Fashion Week Gala (as you already know) and did my first public improv performance last Friday. I say these things not to brag, but to demonstrate what is possible if you simply make the effort. I ain’t the prettiest girl around, but I may be the most determined. Life is too damn short, live it.
6 Responses
It was a wonderful time girl, we definitely need to go out again! One thing…we never got a picture!
Stay beautiful-Sherry
We have a bad habit of not taking a picture together.
Once I get some rest, we’ll do ti again!
What a cute dress and your hair is fabulous.
Like you I’m not the night owl and frankly don’t care for bars and such.
Glad you enjoyed the night.
It’s so exciting to know I’m know a Netflix star
Hugs Rachael
Well, let’s wait and see if I don’t end up on the cutting room floor! I have the acting bug fo sure now and I don’t see it going away anytime soon! Thanks darling!!
Kandi, that is definitely a great dress and I love your jewelry. Just the simple pleasure of a dinner out with a good friend is a beautiful thing, but you went the extra mile in hitting the clubs for a wonderful end to the night. You go girls! ❤
It’s a blessing to have a friend like old what’s-her-name! In all honestly, I am truly blessed.