September 12, 2024, still shaking off the effects of the fundraiser the day prior. Plexus had a networking event and since retirement is not a word I comprehend (and not by choice), back out kissing babies and shaking hands…
I had a lovely evening as the event was held in a mini shopping plaza, housing many small independent businesses. I (no shit Sherlock) had a few while walking around, checking things out, chatting with so many and enjoying myself. Three days in a row, three good outfits. I made a few great connections and was invited to be a part of a fashion show next year. Hopefully, that will happen, but I never count on anything, ever.

After this day, I had to work one of my myriad jobs for twelve of thirteen days. And on the “off” day, I did an incredible amount of yard work. I am involved with a major landscaping overhaul. When I take on a project around the house, it is for the express purpose of never having to ever do it again. A few years back, I re-mulched my yard with rubber mulch. It was expensive and took two years, bag by bag, but I never have to mulch again. Now I am removing, at great time and expense, landscaping I am no longer physically able to trim. I tore out a bunch of things, replanted lower maintenance items and along the way, got poison ivy or something poisonous.
Long story short, Kandi is definitely on the horizon, but it will be a while. No time and my legs, as I write this, are grotesque. I literally look like a leper. My favorite gala, the annual HRC Dinner (a black tie affair), allowing me to dress to the nines, is coming up at the end of this week. The weekend consists of a welcome cocktail reception the day prior and as a volunteer, I am invited. Two great opportunities to look fabulous and meet and connect with many. But a number of scenarios could play out. A fabulous gown awaits…as long as my legs heal up. If not, I will have to keep very covered, maybe skirt suits with leggings. And if the event was yesterday, I would have cancelled. I did go to urgent care, got a shot in my behind and am on steroids. Life happens, we adapt… No pain, I am just rather unsightly right now.
16 Responses
I love gardening but the problem is so many things bite back as you discovered . Would stocking or tights help with the legs ? It’s getting to the point in the UK where we’re having to return to some sort of leg covering , I prefer opaque tights ( pantihose ) with a winter skirt rather than leggings or jeggings , lets face it many of us have fought for the right to wear something with a hemline .
I always wear long sleeves and long pants except this one time, trying to get something done quickly. Is what it is, I guess.
I love your strapless dress showing off your shoulders and cleavage.
I am sorry to hear about your gardening issue. Your great looking legs need time to heal. Take care.
I totally understand house maintenance and I can’t do it anymore either it’s in fact why I’m trying to sell and get a townhome
Love your dress I’m not sure I could pull that one off but you look lovely in it
The sweater helped!
Kandi you look stunning in that dress, absolutely gorgeous! I ‘m sure you’ll be the belle of the ball at the black tie affair 🤗. If your legs are still a little rough a floor length gown will fix that. Have a great week girl ❤️
Oh, the dangers of gardening. I went out grocery shopping today , and although this is shorts weather, I wore a cute pair of tight Vera Wang jeans because my lower legs are all scratched up from digging out a dead bush in the landscaping. Oh well, I must have pulled the look off well. As I entered the one store, the greeter yelled to me “you look beautiful”. Made my day!!!
Awesome! BTW, I too was removing shrubbery.
I have a larger than average parcel for the area. But that’s go because I like to garden. I love food that goes from the plant to my mouth. I’m also an experimental gardener. I have several plants that are extremely rare for my location and the only ones in the area giving fruit. My issue are gophers. They are taking over the yard.
I know a guy named Carl that is great at killing gophers (who gets this reference?)!
But I don’it live near a golf course.
Love the outfit Kandi. I really love gardening and beautifying our surroundings too. Really wish I could be living off the land instead of being in the construction world. But somehow the bills have to be paid. If I was ever around your neck of the woods, I’d love to pitch in and help you.