As you may or may not have noticed, life is currently kicking Kandi’s behind, not allowing her to get out and about as often as she’d like. So we bring you this little retrospective. These are personal favorites from the 33 selfie photo shoots, comprised of 106 different outfits taken principally during the great lockdown of COVID 2020. For months, this was all I had and am happy to have been able to at least do this. Enjoy!

I have no idea how I would have survived the spring and summer of 2020 without being able to at least do this. And I do not say this lightly as my liver would have been at the bottom of a bottle otherwise. Those smiles are real, the joy, life affirming.
17 Responses
Congrats Julie, you’re beautiful ❤️💕
Wow Kandi, as I browse through the “Kandi Retrospective” I don’t see one “bad” outfit. You have a knack for putting things together. There are certainly favourites but all are classy. Glad Sherry and Julie did so well. I was following and they got my vote.
Since I am also the editor, I buried the “bad” ones! Thanks Frannie!!
Kandi you look fabulous in all of your outfits.
I agree with Frannie you do know how to put them together, you are a fashionista indeed.
Hey we all take bad pictures now and again so yeah I get it not showing those off but my dear you do look great and I never grow tired of your smile
I never tire of smiling! It doesn’t always happen, but when dressed, always!
Great pics of a wonderful and beautiful woman.
Who, me? Thank you dear!!
Beautiful photos Kandi! I love all your outfits and would pretty much wear any of them! You have great taste and style and your beautiful smile says it all. As I have said before “ I don’t know why they call it cross dressing as I am never cross when I’m dressed!! 🙂👗 Thanks for sharing
Beautiful, very sexy and just keep it going, don’t stop.
I am continually amazed at the extensive wardrobe you have. What a woman!
What a hoarder!
What a beauty!
Hoarder or collector.. who cares it is just a word.. We must (SHOULD) enjoy the world as we find it and make it.
I read Kandi very day and learn something every day. We have been on the journey for many moons… Kemo Sabi.
Keep on exploring and enjoy every day even the few bad ones.
Marie Anne
You are a good friend Marie! Thank you.
Love all your stylish outfits and love your beautiful smile, Kandi❤
Kandi…WOW!!! What an amazing set of photos, if I didn’t take a closer look I’d swear it read a different girl in each pic. All of them beautiful.
Trish ❤️💋
That’s what a government mandated lockdown will do! Thanks dear!!