Anyone Interested?

A Teresa idea and post.

Teresa had a very good idea. She sited Sherry’s rare post recently, where Sherry felt posting more frequently about outings would be superfluous. I think many of us disagree, that any outing may help someone out there, wondering what it is like.

Would any one here be interested if I developed some type of page where you could post (subject to admin approval) anytime you went out? The purpose is to continually demonstrate for those considering walking out that door, how it’s done and how wonderful it is. You could simply post a sentence or so. You may have only gone grocery shopping. We would allow for one picture and plenty of comments demonstrating community support. The posts would run as they are received, almost like many forums, except ours would be “Out and About” stories. This is not something that is going to happen overnight and it may be cost prohibitive. But I first have to feel comfortable that you all would use it.

Please let me know with a comment, through the Contact page or some other way that you would be interested. Thanks!

Now, a brief Teresa post.

Icing On The Cake

By Teresa H.

Last week I received a call from my daughter asking me if I was free to child mind her daughter. I would never refuse her as she’s been so accepting and understanding to me. Normally Friday is my painting group but they also hold one on the Wednesday so this week I decided to give that a try. The keyholder also attends the Friday group so she knew me but all the other artists didn’t. As usual I was early but I don’t mind as there are always jobs to do in setting up the room, so I helped with placing the tables and chairs. As the people started to arrive I was introduced to them as a new lady called Terri, I have to admit it was a lovely moment to hear me introduced as a lady. It didn’t take long for conversation to start flowing and questions related to art and artist materials. There are about twenty people in each group so I now have twenty new artist friends and for the reasonable cost of the meetings I’ll try and attend both days in the future.

Later that afternoon my doorbell rang, it was a guy who lives with his family in a large house at the top of my estate. They planned to hold a garden party on coronation day but the weather was so bad they cancelled so he came to tell me they have planned it later this month and they would be delighted if I could join them. He then spent several minutes telling me how wonderful my garden was and could I spare the time to give him a few tips at the party. I asked if I needed to bring anything and he replied, “just bring your lovely self !” I thanked him but added I would bring some wine or perhaps champagne as the day was intended to celebrate the coronation of King Charles.

Despite being full time days like this still feel special, to feel like an integral part of your community without reservations is like icing on the cake.


7 Responses

  1. To add a postscript , the party went very well . I wore a sleevless red floral dress with a neat soft pink jacket and wedges and decided to take a bottle of red and a bottle of white wine with some glasses . Annoyingly just on 3.00pm we had a short cloud burst but within a few minutes the sun came out . As usual I was early so I gave the hostess and her daughter a glass of white wine and was then introduced a lovely Irishman who turned out to be the host’s father so we chatted and shared the red wine . As it was intended to be a street party one of neighbours couldn’t make it into the garden because of mobility problems so I helped move the whole party setting onto the front drive just in time for other neighbour’s arrival . It was a lovely afternoon where I could catch up with gossip from old neighbours and meet new ones , as I was getting ready to leave the host and hostess gave me a hug and thanked me for helping move the party setting .

  2. Teresa,
    That’s a great idea. I’m glad I could provide some inspiration even though it was from my ineptness. There were certainly times when I could have wrote something but didn’t because I just didn’t want to take the time but being able to write a quick snipet of the event would be wonderful!

  3. Kandi,
    All you can do is give it some time for the regular members to give it some thought and hopefully encourage new members to look in this wonderful site .The extra members might cover some of the costs incurred , I appreciate you giving the idea a go as it’s the only way some will find the confidence . It’s so good to read the elation of those first steps , ” WOW , I really can do this !!”

    1. Cali,
      It’s a lovely thought and Oh so true , I wish more could be inspired to take control of their lives , we really are better people for doing so .

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