Transpreneur: The Right to Be Wealthy

The following is an excerpt of my upcoming book.  

The following is an excerpt of my upcoming book.  

No matter how much people praise poverty, the truth is you can’t live a fully complete or successful life without being wealthy. To reach your highest potential and develop your talents and soul, you need money. Without it, you can’t access the resources needed to grow and thrive.

Our society is structured in a way that you need money to get the things that help you develop mentally, spiritually, and physically. Therefore, understanding how to become wealthy is essential for personal growth and success.

Everyone has the right to develop to their fullest potential, and to do that, you need access to resources. This means having the right to be wealthy.

When we talk about being rich, we don’t mean being content with just a little. If you can use and enjoy more, you shouldn’t settle for less. Nature’s purpose is for life to grow and unfold, and everyone should have what they need to enhance their power, beauty, and richness in life. Settling for less is not the goal.

Being wealthy means having everything you need to live the life you are capable of. In today’s complex world, even a basic life requires significant wealth. Everyone naturally wants to become the best they can be, and to do that, you need to use various resources, which you can only freely access if you’re wealthy. Therefore, understanding the science of getting rich is crucial.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be rich. It’s actually a desire for a richer, fuller, and more abundant life, which is a positive and natural desire. If someone doesn’t want to live more abundantly or doesn’t want enough money to buy what they need, they are going against their natural instincts.

We live for our bodies, minds, and souls. Each of these aspects is equally important, and none should be neglected. Living fully means expressing all parts of ourselves – body, mind, and soul. Neglecting any part leads to an unfulfilled life.

To live fully in body, you need good food, comfortable clothing, and warm shelter. You also need rest and recreation. To live fully in mind, you need books, time to study, opportunities for travel and observation, and intellectual companionship. You must also surround yourself with art and beauty.

To live fully in soul, you need love, which is often stifled by poverty. True happiness comes from giving to those you love, and without the means to give, you can’t fully express love. Therefore, to be a complete person, you need material wealth.

Wanting to be rich is perfectly normal. It’s right to focus on learning how to become wealthy because it’s a vital and noble pursuit. If you neglect this, you’re failing yourself, your community, and even a higher purpose. You can best serve yourself and others by striving to reach your full potential through wealth.

Addressing Modern Criticisms

In recent times, there’s been a trend to demonize the rich, arguing that they don’t pay their fair share or that society should move away from capitalism toward socialism. While it’s true that our economic systems need reforms to ensure fairness, it’s essential to remember that wealth itself is not inherently evil.

The desire for wealth is fundamentally about seeking a fuller, richer life. Demonizing those who have achieved financial success overlooks the fact that wealth creation, when done ethically, can lead to innovation, job creation, and improved standards of living for many. Rather than vilifying wealth, we should focus on creating opportunities for everyone to succeed and ensuring that the systems in place are just and equitable.

Moreover, moving away from capitalism toward socialism doesn’t automatically solve the issues of inequality. History shows that while socialism aims to distribute wealth more evenly, it often struggles with incentivizing productivity and innovation. A balanced approach that encourages ethical wealth creation while ensuring robust social safety nets and fair tax policies might be the most effective way forward.

In essence, the right to be wealthy aligns with the right to pursue one’s fullest potential. By focusing on the science of getting rich, we equip ourselves with the knowledge to achieve personal growth and contribute positively to society. Let’s strive for a world where wealth creation is accessible, fair, and beneficial for all, rather than one where the pursuit of wealth is condemned.

TransPreneur: Embracing Wealth in the LGBTQ Community

For the transgender and LGBTQ community, the entrepreneurial spirit can be a powerful path to a more sovereign and fulfilled life. The journey to wealth is not just about financial gain, but about unlocking your potential and achieving a richer, fuller life.

Historically, many in our community have faced unique challenges that can make traditional paths to wealth more difficult. Discrimination, lack of resources, and societal barriers can hinder access to the opportunities necessary for financial success. However, embracing the entrepreneurial mindset can turn these challenges into opportunities for growth and empowerment.

Wealth creation for the LGBTQ community means building businesses that reflect our values, providing products and services that serve our needs, and creating safe and inclusive workplaces. It means having the financial freedom to live authentically and support causes that matter to us.

Understanding the science of getting rich is about more than just accumulating money. It’s about building a life where you can thrive in mind, body, and soul. It’s about having the resources to pursue your passions, care for your loved ones, and make a difference in the world.

Don’t be deterred by the modern narrative that vilifies wealth. Instead, see wealth as a tool for empowerment and change. By becoming financially independent and successful, you not only improve your own life but also set an example for others in the community.

Let’s embrace wealth creation as a means to achieve personal sovereignty and community resilience. The entrepreneurial spirit within the LGBTQ community is a force for innovation, inclusion, and positive change. Let’s use it to build a future where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Remember, the right to be wealthy is the right to fully express and realize your potential. Pursue it with pride, knowing that your success contributes to the broader fight for equality and justice.

Dr. Gwen Patrone


2 Responses

  1. Gwen,
    I’m so sorry to disagree but wealth does not equate to happiness , some people are just greedy , they often want more by any means . I admit I’m comfortably off , could I do with more ? Possibly , but not for myself any extra wealth now would be passed onto my children and grandchildren and that’s the part I would derive happiness from .

    Instead of stressing wealth we should really concentrate on health , if you don’t have good health then wealth becomes unimportant .

    Looking back my full potential wasn’t achieved by wealth but with sheer hard work it didn’t totally equate to fiancial gain but to me just as important I earned respect .

    The bottom line is wealth comes in many forms , being poor doesn’t always mean down trodden and deprived and being wealthy doesn’t always mean you’re a nice person , if you reach a happy balance in your life then your one of the lucky ones . My battles have not been about wealth but more to do with acceptance as a transgender member of society , it may not have achieved money in the bank but I’m so close to be totally happy .

  2. sad that we even need to justify wealth. in this society assets are the scorecard by which we measure our life. if anybody chooses a different path-fine- that’s freedom. but the effort by some to scapegoat those who have gotten ahead by hard work
    is sick

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