A Day To Remember

Teresa continues to show us how it can be if we just take that step, if we can take that step.

By Teresa H.

I’ve talked many times about my art and the enjoyment painting brings, since I moved to my new home town I found a new group which meets on a Wednesday and Friday. Sharing a common interest is a great way of sidestepping a transgender situation, in fact it hasn’t been an obstacle at all. A while ago I was doing a series of paintings of my old home town, it’s a beautiful place with history dating back to the Roman and Norman conquest. One of my painting friends took a close interest so I offered to take her on a guided tour with a break for lunch and she loved it. She also belongs to another group and word got round about her trip so she approached me to ask if I would repeat the trip for a larger group.

I admit I’ve never done anything like this before but happily agreed. As it was a larger group I had to do some preparation with some simple guidance sketches especially about water reflections. Luckily the day was dry, sunny and warm. I took four in my car and we met the other four in a convenient car park. We greeted each other warmly and headed to the Art Centre for a look round the gallery with a coffee and a chance to chat about their art. The walk was wonderful, lots of chatter and humour. I wanted to keep it centered on art rather than delve too deeply into the historical side. Lunch was booked for 12:30 which went well, the quaint restaurant did a lovely selection at very reasonable prices, it felt really good to see everyone enjoying their day.

After lunch I waved my imaginary guide flag and lead them off to explore more of the town, sadly two had to drop out and return home to their dogs but the rest were still in good humour, chatting and laughing. Eventually the day came to an end I drove my group home to give them a well earned cup of tea and cake. We talked about my art work as I showed then various examples, the outcome being a request to give their group a demonstration. Hugs all round and grateful thanks for a wonderful day with requests to do something similar in the future.

I have to admit I was really looking forward to to running this tour (my main concern being the weather ) but I didn’t expect the day to go so well, it felt so natural to be able to combine my old home town with the art connection.

Truly a day to remember especially as Teresa.

Another wonderful day to retell for others and as we’ve discovered other doors open before you if you keep making yourself available. Can it get any better? All I can say is watch this space!


3 Responses

  1. Teresa,
    What you have done is you found a tribe you fit in with. Which very hard to do. Not all art group might be as accepting as the groups you have found.
    Is you next job going to be tour guide?

  2. Teresa,

    I tried to comment but the words I used “trapped” my message. So, I am writing you a new one.

    Simply said: wonderful post about being real and among friends. I look forward to hearing more!


  3. Cali,
    As I mentioned I had never met the majority of the group before , so I really didn’t know what sort of response I’d get .

    A possible tour guide , funny you should say that ! I sit next to lady in my Friday art group who’s also a member of the WI , so she turned to me to ask if I would do a similar tour for her WI group . My old home town is beautiful but we don’t appreciate beauty until we show it to others , no matter where you stand you could paint a lovely scene .

    It makes it far easier if we have something to share with them and art is a wonderful way of involving other people . Despite not being a professional artist I now been asked to demonstrate the acrylic medium .

    This is part of my dream coming true because when I moved to my new home six years my intention was to run my own art group from home as Teresa . While it’s not exactly as planned it’s wonderful to see the doors that are opening for me and gender issues aren’t a problem to me or anyone I meet , they embrace what they see .

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