You hear that…… are blessed!
This post is subtitled: Two Sherries and Three Manhattans
After a number of texts, attempts to invite others (Sherry did that, I now refuse to do any planning for an outing of more than one other person), changes of venues, Sherry and I agreed to meet at Jilly’s Music Room, ironically next door to the Akron Northside Marketplace I visited 24 hours prior. October 27, 2023, we were able to get together!
Allow me to address the photo above. The “gentleman” you see behind me came into the bar, before Sherry arrived, and sat next to me. He seemed okay and we even chatted a bit. Seemingly after one beer, we went immediately to shitfaced. And sort of playfully inappropriate. Basically, I sat with my back to him while he blathered on to himself, incoherently, about anything and everything, as almost everyone ignored him. The bartender, yes named Sherry, occasionally warned him that she would throw him out of the place. He apparently is a regular and a pain in the behind.

As has been the recent case, on gameday, my actual out-the-door outfit changed dramatically from what I had planned. This was completely inspired by the button down, oversized blouse look I have been seeing on my newsfeed. While I didn’t have an oversized blouse (hard to do when you are Godzilla-sized in relative terms), I thought this one came together well!
I arrived at the bar about 20 minutes before Sher. I sat at the bar, with a woman two stools to me left, another two stools to her left and a couple of ladies across the bar. I quickly got a “Don’t you look fabulous!” from the lovely woman on my immediate left. Now who was I to argue? So over the course of the time until Sherry arrived, it was as if we all came in together, chatting back and forth. Sherry arrives and is seated between Renee (the closest woman) and I. We chat some more. Renee makes some comment about being old, so of course, I win the easiest suckers bet going (I was older than she). We bet a shot, but I let her off the hook. Renee had stopped there for dinner on her way home, so as she left, I got the big hug. Good way to start an evening!
Almost immediately, a couple walked in. Steve sat at left, immediately next to Sherry and Sherry (yes, it was a two-Sherry night), Steve’s wife, assumed her position behind the bar as a bartender. I had already stuck up a friendly relationship with the other bartender, teaching him a great tip for making the perfect Manhattan (IMHO).
Steve started talking to us, again, as if we had intended to meet there, like we had already known each other. Who and what we are never even came up. We were all of generally the same vintage, talking about music and many other things old people talk about these days. He and I even got into a political conversation which did not leave me unsatisfied or angry. Over the course of a few hours it was literally as if we all had gone out together for the evening. All the while, my “friend” on my right, with my back to him, blabbered on endlessly. Sherry (not THAT Sherry) kept warning him to behave.
Sher and I got up to take the photos you see below and it was time for me to head home. Steve, then said that we were two of the sweetest people he had ever met as I said my good byes. He was clearly moved (and maybe a bit lubricated). I gave him my contact information and we said we would get together again.
And now, a retrospective of my BFF Sherry and I, actually taking pictures when together! There were quite a few other pictures, including a series of photos taken by another woman at the bar, loving being our photographer. She had us facing away from her, our arms around each other, looking back at her. You will not see those here for a few reasons. They were mostly blurry (alcohol and using someone else’s phone will do that). I have a giant nose when shot in profile. I am also inflexible, so I was not quite able to turn around very well. We mostly looked like we were wresting with each other.

Walking into an almost empty bar. Meeting a friend. Making quite a few new friends. Being admired for who and what I am. Joy. Love. Acceptance. Affirmation. Compliments. Two Sherries and three Manhattans. What could be better!
4 Responses
Love the title!
It was a wonderful time for sure and just an amazing example of being able to get out and be you!
Thanks BFF ❤️
Great pictures and sweet story
I do hope this doesn’t offend you but do you ever wonder if those you meet like that where your with Sherry wonder if you two are a couple?
Not that I would care myself but just curious
You cannot offend me! It’s pretty clear we are not. Especially when you spend a few hours in conversation with one or both of us. We certainly do not interact as if we were.