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My voice is my instrument as is yours. Let’s take the time to learn how to speak clearly, and encourage others by our actions.  We can use our voice skillfully to help others heal the scourge of bigotry and whatever “phobia” is the call of the day.

Be confident whether you speak loudly or softly.  Your inner words speak loudly as well by your actions and how you carry yourself and react to external forces.  People are watching.

Grow your awareness of your inner guidance, and listen carefully to hear it.  It’s speaking to you as a gentle breeze whispers to a feather.

Listen deeply to hear the truth of your heart, and acknowledge the reality of your heart and express it by living your truth.

Speak out loud to share your truth with others.

Trust your intuition and your heart. Let go of fear and doubt, and use your voice to guide your healing and that of others.

Your speaking voice emits a vibration in tone as well as setting forth your intentions to the universe so use your speaking skills and words wisely.  You can help someone else when you speak so choose to use your voice in a way that benefits others.


Be clear about who you are and what you believe. You can say what needs to be said and express your truth with conviction and brief but never in anger.

Stand by your truth. Speak from your core. Use your core values to guide your actions.

Express your truth, and I live your truth. 


Starting today, speak from your soul… your truth. 

Speak truthfully and clearly. Speak from your highest self. 

Be Strong. 💪 
Gwen Patrone 



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