Way Back Machine

Some moldy-oldies from the archives, most Flickr favorites.

No reason to post these other than beaming with pride, sad for the passing of time. And I need content, fewer and fewer Contributors. Looks like (outside of the rocks that are Gwen and Dee), I am again flying mostly solo…

This is my gig, my community, my responsibility.

Love you all!

There she is, as usual, on her own…😘
I want to thank all of you for your kindness this week. I am extremely proud of what I presented to you all week. The boudoir, the Plexus event, the bridal show, I am way beyond blessed. I apologize for not responding to each comment, but know they were read and know they were true gifts to me. The ability to have done the bridal show in Sherry’s shadow was a particular treat for me. I will post a Sherry-look back tomorrow…
Now Dr. Freud, how do I relish all of this? How do I enjoy it? You all know, that ain’t happenin’…
Our first grandchild is expected mid-October. Joyous, beyond words! Layering onto the complexity of my existence, yep!
I just replaced the apparel job I lost with one I believe to be even better and I do know one thing, it will be far more fun and I will work with better people, honest people. I always knew I would figure it out, it is the always having to figure it out that has me mentally and emotionally drained. One step backward, two steps forward.


4 Responses

  1. Kandi,
    Congratulations on multiple fronts. You should be very proud of all your accomplishments. Well done.

    Your website is the best. Thank you for all you do.


  2. You looked beautiful in every pic! ❤️ You were in my shadow… I don’t think so, most of what I do is because of you! BFF

  3. Kandi,

    Read your post with high interest Back in the beginning I was providing articles, stories and impressions. At some point and for some reason you chose to decline my contributions. Supposed our goals diverged and you when on to the wonderful world of Kandi Land and success. I read the blog daily and occasionally comment , always positively to each Girl and you. No longer have a full time job— Have Retired from three jobs all with financial stipends so $$$ is not a problem. Challenge is how to stay busy and engaged aside from raiding clothing stores and compiling a detailed history of the American revolution 1766-1788, about 500 pages. PUT ME TO WORK IF POSSIBLE…. ?????
    Marie Anne Greene

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