This year I made a concerted effort to scale it all back. For previous such events, I have looked as if I were relocating, taking more than one luggage cart to move into my room for a few days. Pathetic!
Being well into my Kandi journey, I am not trying to impress anyone. The organ known as my skin has become quite comfortable. In this situation, I just spend the time as any woman would. Many here are dressed to the nines to have morning coffee and change five different times in a day. Hey, I get it, they don’t get this chance often. But that ain’t me. My plan was basically casual during the day, upscale casual for dinner and a bit over-the-top for the grand finale. So here is my Keystone finale, closing this part in my life, Chapter One.
Let’s chat for a moment ladies. I call this my final Keystone not because it is not glorious, as it is. Not because it is not time well spent; it is. I am putting pressure on myself to fucking FOCUS, move forward, be yourself within the parameters of what your life actually is. Who you actually are. You are Kandi. But you are also so many other things that require your attention, require your resources, are unselfish. Plus, the Kandi world I have forged here in my beloved hometown should be sufficient to fill that girl/attention addiction I do have. Also, to force me to look elsewhere.
Looking elsewhere has resulted in my “acting” career, my “modeling” career, a possible TV show (yes, really so stay tuned) and many of the other things my rather large yap has talked me into. Okay, so how was Day One, March 20, 2025? I remind you all, I reserve the right to change my mind based on incredibly valued relationships.
Okay, thank you for coming.
The day started with a shower and full shave, staying out of the way as my wife got ready to work (my selfishness) and then turning it on. Once done, packing had to be finalized. Did I bring the right bras? Got all my makeup needs? Got food, work needs, chargers, on and on and on and on. An almost five-hour drive, podcasts all along the way. This is how we left home with no male clothing except for the necessary daily workout and the drive home. Out the door at about 9:30. Let me be clear about this, I HATE THE PA TURNPIKE! Hate it. I could essentially sleep while driving most other turnpikes in my general geographic area, PA is all twists, turns, narrow, ups and downs. Zero mental downtime. But we got to Harrisburg and the fun began!

I have to tell you, my farewell tour sort of made this more fun for me. Not that there is any pressure per se, but it gave me an “I don’t give a shit” philosophy. Spend time alone? Okay. Go here instead of there? Why not. I kept my promises, passing out genuine Kandi’s Land hugs, seeing old friends, making new ones, being somewhat known (only here would that matter).
This is how to start a Keystone. You walk up to registration and our dear, awesome, wonderful friend Terri is there. Sure, she has no clue who I am (I don’t wear a name badge) and I caught her focused on something else. But she quickly recognized me, and I was then reminded about why I do all of this. Because it matters, because it makes others happy.
The photo you see opening the post was taken at what is now known as Club 1330, Ashley’s suite. Fully stocked bar (free booze, you know I loved that), snacks, even breakfast! And yes, a full photo backdrop! I laughed and laughed almost the entire afternoon into the evening.

Unlike most of my compatriots, I wore the same outfit all day long as I noted above. I liked that, just a woman who goes about her day, noticed for the normalcy of it all rather than much of the over-the-top things you see here. This is the one place that will fill you with joy at the same time you see something cringe worthy, then followed by a giant smile and some sadness. They estimate some 50 girls come to this, get dressed and sit in their hotel rooms. Life, I recon.
Dinner was delightful, seeing so many friends. Time spent with our beloved Fiona, Gina or Renee or whatever she is going by (like Prince, sort of), Ashley, Jane our hostess, the wonderful Susan and the hangover is starting to lift as I write this. A hang at Club 1330 and then some time at the bar (karaoke, a combination of amazing and cringy). All good, people having fun, being loved and accepted. Should be how the planet is run but we all know that ain’t happenin’.
Day One in the books, time well spent!
10 Responses
To me you are all Kandi , she fills the male void so well I guess one day you will be just Kandi , the World would be a better place for it !
One question , when finally taking the trip from hell did Keystone feel all good or did you feel like an outsider at times ? I’m asking because I began to feel like that at my social meetings . I don’t object to others dressing OTT , let them have their fun but it’s not me anymore , of course it’s still fun as opposed to anything a male life can offer but life is good as Teresa whether I’m dressed to the nines or mowing my lawn in old jeans and a sloppy Tshirt .
Good question Teresa. My superpower is being comfortable around others, whenever and wherever that is. It could be playing pickleball with people I never met or at Keystone. It is in male or female mode, I am just really comfortable around others. I never felt like an outsider there at all.
Kandi you are a people person. Not everyone is. Every job I had I had direct contact with people. Every day was different, which made life interesting and you are one of the most interesting people I have met.
Most interesting? Not sure if that is good or bad… 😊
Definitely Good !
As a professional photographer being comfortable around other people should have happened but sometimes people choose not to be on your wavelength , nothing you could do but grin and bare it . Having a thick skin was essential and also knowing how to discretely pay those AH back .
Being comfortable around people as Teresa , is something I really enjoyed working on and achieving . Many transgender people obviously feel like outsiders in male mode , I tried to make all the right noises but I still wasn’t accepted , looking back I guess I was always destined to be Teresa .
You are an integral and authentic person who is so easy to love and be comfortable around. You are a relentless spirit that can’t be stopped! I am privileged to have spent a good amount of time with you during this, your last Keystone appearance, and feel honored to have you as my personal and very talented photographer. As one of those who have to wear 50 dresses in a couple of days, to make up for those chances that never happen, you, my dear and beloved sister, volunteered your talent and energy to take the most amazing photos! All I can say is thank you for coming and investing so much time in me, while sacrificing other activities that might have been more appealing to your restless spirit. I know that this was not the last time I will ever see you, as we will find ways to make our paths cross again; hopefully soon. In the meantine, every photo you took for me, this past week, will be a reminder of the amazing super girl that you are!
My pleasure, all my pleasure! This is what friends do.
I enjoyed hanging out with you and Bob Ross sis!!!