By Cali
Part 2 – Halloween Day
On Wednesday I laid out all the items I was planning to wear that day. I shaved my hands from my fingers to 8 inches above my wrist. After which I shaved off my sideburns and trimmed the hair around my ears and nose. Then I put a new razor blade cartridge into each of my two razors. After my very early Thursday ZOOM meeting was over at 8:15, I had breakfast. I took my shower and shaved as close as I could. After drying off, I shaved again (I am soooo tried of shaving). BTW my legs have extremely little hair since I have waxed them about 3 to 4 times a year for 8 years, so I never have to shave them.
Getting dressed.
I took my time getting dressed, making sure the Madenform girdle and VS corset gave me a smooth front from the breast down. Put on the top and pleather skirt and sat down to put on my JS knee high boots. Necklaces were next. Then came the hair, first the wig cap, then the silicon wig holder (big rubber band with grips), followed by the wig. Finally, it was time for bracelets, earrings, and tiny finger rings. Off to Ulta for my 11 am appointment, makeup free.
On the way into Ulta’s entrance to the mall, there was a man followed by a woman, about 10 feet behind him, and then me, another 30 feet behind her. He held the door for her then waited for me to enter too. I thanked him, but that encounter told me my presentation was adequate without makeup. I found the MAC station in the middle of the store and sat down.
I discussed with the MUA the look I was trying to achieve. She looked it up on her phone for examples and showed her the types I was going for. Next, we talked about the color palette. She told me she had done makeup for drag performers, but I didn’t want a drag look. I took mental notes of the order she was applying the products and the tools she was using apply the products. Although I have many similar products and tools, I was applying the products and using my tools very differently. I got fake lashes, too. My brows are regularly shaped so all she needed to do was darken them and draw in additional hairs. My makeup IQ doubled, but it wasn’t that high to begin with. (Since then, I have been practicing applying my makeup using many of these techniques. And I’m getting better at the look I want to achieve.) She sprayed my face to fix it before we picked a lip color that worked with the look.
Then she showed me the final product…err my face. I was stunned. It felt and looked like I had very lite makeup, but it totally transformed my face. And the wig went perfect with it, I could get used to seeing that woman (Cali) in the mirror more often.

I asked for more white sparkle on the inside corners of my eyes.
I had to purchase $100 in MAC products for the service, but it was well worth it. I bought the fake lashes and lip stick and several compacts. Now my make up container overflows.
After getting the makeover, I stopped by the nail salon to show the finished product to my nail tech (going on 10 years with her). She and the rest there loved it. Then off to work I went.

At Work
Not much happened there, many people still work online since the pandemic. I got many double and triple looks from colleagues I know well. I got several “you look better than I ever could.” One woman joked that she needs to take me with her shopping to help her pick clothes with more style. (I agree, I have better style than she has.)
The rest of the afternoon went well, EXCEPT when I got to my car to drive home at 9 pm, I had to take off the wig; my head was too hot.
To be continued – Part 3: Post Halloween Outings
(Since Halloween, I have added many more tiny rings with ‘jewels’, several more necklaces, and earrings. A woman must have her jewelry.)
4 Responses
I don’t have a problem with my head being too hot when wearing a wig ( OK the UK doesn’t get hot very often !! ) but I don’t wear a cap or a wig holder . My usual brand is Noriko with a monofilament cap , I’ve never had a problem with wig movement but I did once lose my wig when a SA was helping me try on some items . One top was a little tight and as she pulled it over my head I could feel my wig going with it , I quickly retrieved it off the floor and replaced it saying now you know what the guy looks like .
We often think women don’t notice so I’m always surprised when I’m told I dress with style , even being full time I stll feel I’m very lucky to be accepted as Teresa .
Maybe I’m just a hot head, LOL. But after 12 hours, my head was hot.
Women ALWAYS notice. I frequently hear the phrase “I love your ____” from women (and some men) when I enter a room. For example, I went to return a necklace that was broken when I received it, as I approach the sales associate she greeted me with a “I love your nails.” And a woman behind me in line chimed in “I love them, too.”
Cal, what a difference. Your make up artist really feminized your look for sure. your reception at work couldn’t have gone better. you must have been walking on air that day girl. congratulations.
Trish ❤️
Thanks Trish.
I wish I could look that good every day (on my own), but I still have to work for another 1.5 years. And I felt good, felt like myself.
I was surprise by how little product she used and how she applied the different products. So very different than how I had been doing it. Now, if I only had the time to practice my makeup…maybe this weekend. Part 3 will have my long hair look. And if I get a Part 4, it will be my very short hair look.