Damn, she looks so happy…

Have a seat here before we all gather with family and friends to give thanks for our blessings. I know, I have many, but none more so that this lady you see here. She allows her other half to be a much, much better person.

On November 24, 2024 I was staring down a two week stretch without any Kandi time, so I just said no. I purchased the cheapest ticket I could to see a matinee of “Some Like It Hot” at Playhouse Square. I have had a cold kicking my behind ever since Erie, badly so. I finally got on the other side of it, helped by playing a lot of pickleball. Laugh if you will, but I find exercise to be the best antidote to something like this. I headed to my new club, after playing out of my absolute freakin’ mind the day prior, best I have ever played. This day, I reverted to the mean. I blew. But that was okay because it was time to primp…

No great story here. I got dressed and headed to one of my happy places. It thrills me to no end that I am a known entity at the second largest theater district in these United States and at one of the world’s foremost art museums. But I digress…
Grandma here cannot deal with modern technology. I bought a ticket, which I have done frequently in the past, always getting a pdf file with my ticket to print off and take to the theater. Now, download to Apple Wallet, WTF… Not doing that, if I even knew how to do that. I took my receipt, went to the box office and got a real, hold in my hands, ticket. Yay!
On the way I did stop at a favorite state liquor store for some Tito’s (don’t judge me) and the doll that works there just loves me and I her, she is so amazingly sweet to me. Always (yeah, I have gone there more than once).
It did help that I crushed my outfit and look this day. The lipstick coordinated with the nails was my favorite part. Make up 👍, overall outfit 👍, accessories and purse 👍!
The play itself was based on the movie (yes Deb, I have never seen it, but know of it). If I wasn’t fighting off a few coughing fits (no way to cough like a lady), had to pee like a race horse and knew my sister was trying to reach me about Mom (shitty situation, but not life threatening), it would have been a really amazing afternoon. But I hung in there and thoroughly enjoyed the play. The character Daphne really spoke to me. I’ll just leave it at that. I loved the show from my blimp-like-view seat. I had very little interaction with anyone as I know how to almost park inside the theater for free, with minimal walking (hence the heels instead of booties), but did like when the lady seated next to me excused herself by asking this “young lady” to excuse herself. I am so much more thrilled with the “young” than the “lady”.
The drive home was reality slapping me upside the face as I spoke with my sister (if only she knew…) and our responsibility to care for our 86 year old mother. I live the closest to Mom, I manage Dad’s estate for her, but my sister is Mom’s emotional support, God bless her. In my role, I am unemotional and deal with cold reality. I do what is necessary to protect Mom and make her life as comfortable as possible, while she still desperately misses Dad. I do as well, but I have always been a “Circle of Life” person. Children need to grow up and become independent, that is the job of a parent. Parents who live longer than the average life expectancy pass away. Life. My day is coming, I know that. Even with my amazing wife, when it comes to paying the bills, providing for her, I am cold and emotionless, it is why I walk this Earth. As I said at my daughter’s wedding this past June, blood is blood. If you are of my blood, I will take that bullet for you.
Daphne (from the play), you touched me! You provided an oasis for this day, not a great day, not a bad day, just as Sir Paul once said “A Day In The Life”.
16 Responses
You did “crush it”. I’d go on and on about how beautiful you look, every aspect, but you know how I feel about you.
It is great when you have a very full day of experiences. Highs and lows. That’s life. And family is at the top of the list.
Thanks for sharing.
Love you,
The skirt is fab! 💋💋💋
Hi Kandi,
Great look I love it!
High praise, indeed! Thanks my friend.
Kandi ,
It’s slightly the reverse with my mum , she now in too much pain to walk far so she spends most of her time on a day bed . My sister pops in everyday to see her and take care of basic chores I call every other Sunday with a cooked meal , she loves me calling because I spend about four hours chatting to her , I feel I give her more emotional support even though I don’t see her everyday .
I never tire of watching the film version , they really got the balance right by not being too camp .
The play (I think) was a bit of a different twist off of the movie (Daphne embraces being female).
Super cute outfit my friend
I know the pain as it were of elderly parents
My sister handle most of it while they were living mostly because she was more available
then me but it can be a burden but should not be.
Have a great holiday
Love ya Rach!
I love that outfit, Kandi and the table is set so nicely. I guess one might describe me as the problem solver in our family. For some reason, I am able to compartmentalize and remain calm in crises. That may sound unemotional but I don’t believe I am.
Have a great day.
I am quite the same way. In anticipation of a crisis, I am a bowl o jelly. During it, I am a rock. Have a great Thanksgiving!
Love that skirt, Kandi! Wishing you and yours a safe and happy Thanksgiving.
Way cute as usual! Have a great Thanksgiving!
Same to you my great, great friend!