I have roamed the crust of the Earth of a good long time. I have never been to a soiree. Yet within a month, I will be attending two of them!
Pre-pandemic, I was a member of Plexus (check them out on the “Links” page). They did what was necessary and Zoomed everything, so I went away (I don’t do Zoom unless absolutely necessary). Current day, they launched their first live event since the plague settled upon us. I re-engaged and signed right up! I have wanted to attend this event for the past few years, but one thing or another got in the way. So, this July 30, 2021 I was able to attend!!!!

The event was held on the rooftop with great sightlines of my beloved Kandi’s Land……I mean, Cleveland!
Let’s begin our post here with, of course, my outfit! You should know me by now, an event, a dress. I recently swapped a bunch of things for this darling wrap dress and I could not have been more pleased. I took a great deal of close ups this day, many I am rather fond of. All my photos were taken before I arrived at the event, just outside the Rock Hall on the harbor. Just before I left home, I received the e-mail informing me that I was selected to be a runway model for the Ohio Fashion Week Black Tie Gala, which you will read more about in other posts.

I felt extraordinarily pretty on this day and received many kind compliments! The modeling news really lifted my spirits and my confidence! I primarily hung out with my new friend’s from Margie’s Closet, a pet project of mine, which you will read more about soon. I spent three hours smiling, laughing, reacquainting myself with folks and just being in my glory!
I hit The Oak Barrel on my way home and simply enjoyed stretching the evening a bit as I did not want to take that dress off!! A spectacular evening for me, I am truly taken aback every time I have an adventure like this one, how life affirming it is.
Why I Do This: I received the following message (minor edits have been made to protect the innocent):
Hi Kandi!
I have a date to be stepping out with one of my oldest and bestest GG friends early next week. She is someone I love and trust completely. She was probably my first friend to ever learn of the XXXX me. I have been out dressed before here in my home town of XXXX but it was to venues FOR crossdressers. I think my pal XXXX is going to want to go to a mainstream “nice dinner” venue in her hometown of XXXX.
I can’t think of a particular question or bit of advice that I want to ask of you, I think I just wanted to reach out and tell you that I will be visiting your page and website a lot between now and then to fill up on inspiration and courage. Your intention to be that for others is working, my dear Kandi! Thank you, XXXX
Wow! You go girl! And I want a report on how it went.
6 Responses
Love the dress my friend and I loves you
Sounds like a great time being a runway model and for someone who represents the trans community I can’t imagine a better ambassador for us all.
Hopefully I won’t trip!
Woo doggies I love me a good swah-ray too. 😉
Looking great as always Kandi !!
Thanks sis!!
You look marvellous, Kandi. Looking forward to the Fashion show story and the obligatory pics.
I hope I get pics! I’m be working and working it and may have no control over that. Thanks Frannie!!